Chapter two (genuinely sorry)

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Winter POV

I was awoken my warm talons on my back, shaking me awake.

"Winter! Winter, wake up already!"

"Go away, Quibli." I grumbled through a half-asleep yawn. He reached over me to try and forcefully roll me over. Sadly, it worked, and I sleepily opened my eyes.

"What do you wan—" When I opened my eyes and looked at his dark eyes, I remembered the enchantment Anemone had put on me.

Oh, no.. I thought. He tilted his head.

"Are you alright? You kinda stopped mid-sentence there, Winter." For a moment, I thought about taking Turtle's route and explaining the enchantment to Quibli. But looking at him, I felt my face flush, and I rolled over again, tenting one wing over my face so he wouldn't see it.

"Just.. shut up and let me sleep."

"Did the Talons let you sleep in all the time?" Quibli teased. "C'mon, we're going to be late if you keep sleeping!" I growled in annoyance, but resided myself to getting up. I shook out my wings and briefly took a moment adjust my spikes that might've gotten stuck out at odd angles while I had slept . I yawned again, and muttered,

"Let's go." As we walked down the hall, Moon raced over.

"Hey Quibli! Hi Winter! Can I join you guys?"

"Sure!" Quibli agreed cheerily. She frowned at me.

"Are you alright, Winter? You seem.. off."

Quibli turned to look at me, forcing me to look at the ground as we walked to avoid eye contact, and he said, "Hmm.. yeah, you're right, Moon."

I growled quietly, "Could you stop talking about me like I'm not here? Nothing's wrong."

"Y'know, if you're having trouble with something, you can always tell us, you know that, right?" Moon told me softly. I swished my tail in annoyance.

"I just said I'm fine, Moon!" I snapped, adding as I noticed a green dragon coming over to us, "Oh, hello, Turtle." He glanced at Quibli, and gave me an apologetic look before greeting us,

"Hey, guys! Are you heading to breakfast?" Moon nodded cheerily.

"Uh-huh! C'mon and join us!"

After a couple morning announcements made by Sunny, we went to greet Kinkajou at the fruit pile after grabbing a couple fish and a cow. Turtle started trailing behind, and I followed his cue.

"So.. I'm assuming the curse went to affect." He said as I glared at Quibli's back.

"Sadly." I grumbled.

"Listen, I'm sorry, if I could help you I would, but I can't really do much. Did you tell him?" I gave Turtle a look.

"Yeah, he wakes me up and I say, 'Oh, by the way, Anemone cursed me and now I have an enchanted fake crush on you, just so you know.' How would that end well? I said so yesterday." He shrugged.

"I dunno, I think it'd be better to work as a team on this. I could distract Quibli while you tell the others."

"Tell the others what?" Kinkajou asked, overhearing part of our conversation. I jumped, alarmed at her sudden addition to what we had been discussing.

"Nothing, because it is none of your business!"

She stood on my back as I sat down, and said, "You should tell us! Moon, don't you think he should tell us?" Moon just shrugged, amused at her roommate, and Kinkajou turned to Quibli.

"What about you, Quibli? Do you think he should tell us?" He glanced at me, and seemed slightly surprised at the glare I was giving him, trying my best not to start blushing.

I glanced back down as he said, "If he wants to keep it to himself, that's okay."

I kept my head low and avoided Quibli as much as possible all morning until lunch, when an Icewing "accidentally" tripped me and I toppled over, collapsing to the ground.

I tripped him up with my tail casually, but couldn't enjoy the look of anger on his face for long as someone crouched in front of me and asked, "You okay, Winter?" Of course, it was Quibli. I glared at him.

"Fine." His nose was close to mine and I could see his thousands of freckles, his large black eyes filled with concern.

I realized how close we were and started to feel blood rushing to my face, so I quickly stood up.

"I'm going to find Moon." I declared, and quickly raced off.

Before I could find Moon, I ran into Anemone.

She asked, "Why so flustered, Winter?" Then she added with a small smirk, "It is the lucky dragon that you got to fall in love with~?" I glared at her.

"Sadly, yes, and it isn't lucky that you cursed me into falling in love, Anemone." She shrugged.

"Eh, whatever. Playing matchmaker is fun anyhow."

After a pause, she asked, "So... who is it? Quibli?" I snapped at her as we started walking,

"Who else? And where are we going?" After hearing a scuttling noise that startled the both of us, she said nonchalantly,

"Just the art room. I think that would get your mind off of things." I shook my head, stopping in my tracks.

"Quibli loves going to the art room at this time of the day and you know it, Anemone." She sighed, and turned to face me.

"Want to go back to the lake? It'll make you feel better, I promise." I hesitated, but eventually nodded, and walked off with Anemone.

Kinkajou's POV

As I was walking down the hall, I heard Anemone and Winter talking, so I pressed myself against the wall, using my camouflage to hide from sight.

"...Sadly, yes, and it isn't lucky you cursed me into falling in love, Anemone." Snapped Winter. A pause.

Then she asked, "So... who is it? Quibli?" If I had been moving, I would have frozen in surprise. He fell in love with Quibli? Was that why Winter was acting so weird today?

Before I could explore those questions, I heard him respond, "Who else? And where are we going?" I quickly raced off. I had to tell Turtle.

"You what?!" Turtle asked, alarmed as I told him what I had done. I sighed.

"Winter was acting weird and I was worried! So yes, I eavesdropped on their conversation. What I'm more worried about is the fact he didn't tell anyone." Turtle ran his claws down his face.

"He told me, Kinkajou! And as I told him, I can't do anything. The way Anemone worded the curse—"

"What is the curse, by the way?" I interrupted. "I still don't know why Anemone had to ask who Winter fell in love with."

Turtle said, "Anemone said, and I quote, 'I enchant this seashell that the first person who Winter sees tomorrow, he will fall hopelessly in love with until the other person feels the same way towards him'. See why Winter's so panicked now?" He walked closer, and put his front talons on my shoulders.

"Kinkajou, you can't tell anyone, okay?" He begged worriedly. "At least not until all this is sorted out. Winter and Quibli need to fix this on their own." I paused, realizing he was deadly serious, and nodded.

"I understand. And I'm sorry, Turtle."

He just smiled, and told me, "It's fine. Seriously. I'll talk to you later." I nodded, and headed out the door. How would I keep this a secret from the others?

Okay finally you guys got something I know it's short and not the best writing but this chapter was written awhile ago I just hadn't been able to publish it but uh yeah I hope you enjoyed reading this I'll try to get three up sometime this weekend and then you're stuck waiting for me to write this real time

Thanks for your patience, Charlie

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