Chapter 25: City Visit

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Ok there's a little change about the story, not too complicated but I hope you'll understand. Someone told me that the time does not match. So I added a few twitches: You met him when he was 300 years old and you were 16 back then. Now, Jack was 291 years old.

Another change: You all read Jef talking to the burger guy right? Jef didn't exist at that time but George is related to the GEORGE Jef knew in the present. Maybe his great grandfather or something hehe. Ok thanks again guys! WHOO! 300 plus reviews! Really appreciate it! Hope you'll like this one. I don't really have much time to write so I can just post one chapter at a time :( Sorry.

Chapter 25: City Visit

The winter spirit has been throwing snowballs at anyone for quite some time now, especially at the kids. You and your son laughed merrily while Jack was aiming at the little kids mercilessly. You tried to stop him at some point but he just won't listen, it made you laugh though.

"Hey, (F/n)… " whispered Jef trying not to say your name too loud. "Ca- can I walk around? I'll be back here afterwards."

"Sure kiddo… just be back exactly after one hour ok?" you said heartily and kissed the boy's forehead.

The winter spirit's son ran down the building with gaiety and explored the city. The young guardian stopped when he noticed that it's been quiet for a while. He turned and gazed at you with his troubled eyes.

"Where's Jef?" he asked while looking around.

"He left. He wants to walk around." You replied without looking at him.

"It's just you and me then huh, snowflake?"

You blushed upon hearing what the winter spirit said. You shook that feeling away and stood beside him to see what he was doing.

You noticed that the kids started to play. Also, you saw a bunch of cars covered with thick, white snow and there's no way to brush it off unless they shove it.

Grinning evilly at the young guardian with your arms crossed, Jack tilted his head a little with a smirk on his face and said, "What?"

"You really like messing with humans do you?" you responded.

Jack chuckled and said, "Nope, not really. I LOVE it."

You glared at him and you're about to fly away when the winter spirit grabbed your hand. You turned and glanced at him with your puzzled look.

Perplexed, you stared at your hand while he was holding it and looked back at the winter spirit's blue, brilliant eyes.

"I- I want to talk to you for a while… but not here." He said shyly and both of you flew away.

After a few minutes, you went to a park, like the other places, it was full of snow. You inspected by looking here and there then you realized this was the park where you first saw Jack.

"I want to know a lot more about you…" Jack said that broke the silence. You blushed as you looked at him and waited for him to continue.

"First… I- I'm terribly sorry for what I did last night…" he murmured while scratching his head and added, "I felt angry be- because you lied to me…"

You gave him a sweet grin and moved closer to him. He didn't glimpse at you and he was still leaning on his wooden staff. Jack saw your feet in front of him and he swiftly looked up.

"I don't blame you…" you whispered sweetly and moved your face closer to his. "I should be the one apologizing."

The winter spirit blushed and he looked away. He played with his staff and didn't talk for a few minutes.

"So…" you said, "What do you know about me?" you asked and sat on the nearest bench on your right side.

Jack didn't follow and he was still standing where he stood since the beginning. You crossed your legs and the winter spirit blushed redder as he gazed at them.

He walked and stood in front of you but looked in a different direction and whispered, "I- I wanna ask you… whe- where did you come from?"

You don't want to lie to him again. You don't want to hurt him or break his trust, if he has. You looked down and Jack sat beside you and rested his staff on his lap.

"Ja- jack… there's some things… you must not know." You started and added, "It's better If I tell you that you can't know rather than… lie to you again."

The winter spirit understood and put his arms at the back of the bench as he stared at you with his soft eyes and said, "Ok… just forget that but I really want to know your name." he said bashfully.

"You already know my name Jack. You just have to remember…" you said and glimpsed at him with your worried eyes.

"I can't… I don't-know you… I swear." Replied the winter spirit.

You stood up without saying a word and walked away, leaving him behind. You hugged yourself and didn't look back. The young guardian followed a gaze at you and sighed deeply.

"What does she mean by that?" he thought.

"He doesn't know me… what should I do to make him remember? This doesn't make any sense… how can he remember me if I'm his future?" you thought and a tear rolled down your cheek.

Suddenly, you felt frigid and you realized that the winter spirit was somewhat close to you. You swerved behind you and you saw Jack standing a few steps away from where you were.

"Snowflake…" Jack whispered and touched your shoulders with his pale, cold hands. "I- I don't know you… what are you saying?"

"Just- Could you- just leave me for a while…" you responded and the winter spirit slowly lifted up your chin.

"Do you want-"

"Just… go." You interrupted and the winter spirit obeyed.

He took a last look at you and flew away. He decided to talk to your son and ask him something about you. It took him a few minutes to find Jef and he saw him perched on a tree branch while swinging his legs.

Jack landed and Jef got surprised and fell off the tree. The winter spirit chuckled and helped the poor boy lying in the snow to stand up.

"Don't startle me like that!" shouted Jef madly and propped himself up.

"Sorry kiddo." Said Jack and reached out a hand and added, "Are you alright?"

"No…" rasped the boy and shot Jack his mad look. "By the way, where's… uh…"

"Snowflake?" added Jack and the boy nodded. "She- she uhmm… wants to be alone for a while." He stammered.

"Oh… I see…" the kid murmured.

"She keeps telling me that I already know her name and all I need to do is to remember it but I swear I don't. I don't know her. This is the first time we met…" explained Jack and his son realized how you felt.

"I feel like… I feel like I hurt her." Added Jack and looked down. "I don't know how though, but I feel like I badly hurt her feelings."

"Jack.." said the winter spirit's son, "You already know her. It's really complicated to explain but she needs you to remember."

Jack leaned his back on the tree trunk while Jef sat in the snow. Suddenly Jef spoke, "Come… I want to take you somewhere but PROMISE me not to tell her this."

Life With Jack Frost: Teen Guardian Parents by:meganfrost89Where stories live. Discover now