Elena Grey

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1. Parents: Crystal Cooper and Thatcher Grey

2. Younger twin

3. Born: July 22nd, 1980

4. She lives with her daughter, her sister Alica, Alica's twins, Lexie, and Lexie's partner Henry

5. Occupation at Seattle Grace: Head of maternity

6. Has an eidetic memory

7. Half-sisters: Merideth, Lexie, and Molly

8. Sister: Alicia

9. Allergic to strawberries

10. Loves watching people fall, she thinks it's hilarious


1. Crystal Cooper [Mother and daughter]: 0% family love

Hate each other and haven't seen each other in years; Crystal believed she was "too young" to have children, so she placed her in an orphanage. Their relationship was made worse when she inherited half of her maternal grandparent's belongings while her mother received nothing but a letter stating how disappointed they were in her.

2. Thatcher Grey [Father and daughter]

3. Alicia Grey [Sisters]: 100% family love

4. Lexie Grey [Sisters]: 100% family love

5. Meredith Grey [Sisters]: 0% family love

Doesn't know Meredith both has heard of her - doesn't like her from what she has heard.

6. Rebecca Harrison [Mom and daughter]: 100% family love

7. Daniel Harrison [Freinds]: 100% friendly love

She gets along with him well whenever he picks up his daughter. They both agreed to co-parent after he met his soulmate.

8. Susan Grey [Stepmother and stepdaughter]: 100% family love

She's more of a mother figure than her actual mother. Susan fell in love with her almost instantly as soon as they met.

9. Alex Karev: 100% curiosity

She doesn't know who he is, but she is curious about the type of person he is because he's her sister's soulmate.

10. Henry Kingston [Friends]: 100% friendly love

She's happy he makes Lexie happy. They get along great and have a close bond, like brother and sister. 

11. Mark Sloan [Soulmate]: 100% curiosity. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23 ⏰

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