A/N: Quotes that remind me of 'The Fear'

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Not a one-shot but I just saw some quotes that reminded me of Izzy and Axel. (There from 'The Fear' by Natasha Preston.) These characters are not mine!


"Can you drop the fucking knife?" Izzy yelled.

"Why don't you drop the attitude first, sweetheart?" Axel asked, sarcastically.


Suppressing a shiver, Izzy said, "Stop looking at me like that."

"Like what?" Axel asked, his voice low and teasing.

"Like I'm dinner."

"Maybe I'm hungry."


"You allow the world to think you're a heartless murder," Izzy tells him. "And your not."

Axel laughs, once; his eyebrows lift in surprise. "No." he says. "I'm afraid I'm just the regular kind of murderer."


I'm confused when he grabs both of my wrists and places them behind my back. "What are you doing?" (Izzy)

He kisses the hollow of my throat. "I want you at my mercy while I do all the sick, perverted things I've been dreaming about for years." (Axel)


"I don't care if I fall in love with a devil, as long as that devil will love me the way he loves hell." (Izzy)


"I'll tell you, jail is no fun." (Izzy)

"You've been in jail?" (Axel)

"Once, in Monopoly." (Izzy)

"How about you?" (Izzy)

"Are you fucking with me right now or..?" (Axel)

"Yes, I know you've been to jail before." (Izzy)


"Do you like him?" (Syd, Izzy's friend)

"I don't want to." (Izzy)

"But you do?" (Syd)

"I do." (Izzy)


And suddenly, the monster in him falls silent as he rests his head on her lap. (Axel and Izzy)


"Don't fall in love with me. I'm a devil." He warned (Axel)

"I know. But I still want you." She smiled. (Izzy)

"Do you even know what a devil is?" He questioned. (Axel)

"An angel filled with pain." She responded. (Izzy)


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