The one where he gets Bucky back

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It had been two weeks since he last saw Bucky. After all of the chasing he and Sam did. They caught up to him. He told Steve to go and never try to contact him again. So he let Bucky go. He knew Bucky wouldn't love him after failing him so, so, many times. He wasnt able to get to Bucky. He -let- him fall off of the train. He let him get tortured. If only he had not been a dumbass and messed up in the first place, then maybe Bucky would be with him right now. Not miles away, not where Steve didnt know and couldnt get to him. Not where Bucky hates him.

At first Steve slowly pulled away from all his friends. First the main little crew they formed, then Thor, then Natasha and last, and the trickiest to pull away from Sam. He would spend days in bed, maybe even a week. He just couldnt find the motivation to move without Bucky. Atleast when he didnt know Bucky was alive he knew that Bucky loved him, and he knew he had to fight in this honor. Now, it was all uselss. He can't move on from him. Its impossible. Bucky was a key to locked handcuffs wraped around Steve. He was able to be himself with him. He didnt have to put up a persona, or act like propaganda perceived him against his will. He had felt numb, then angry, then confused, sad and finally guilt. So, thats how his last two weeks had been.

Bucky wanted Steve. He wanted to hold him, make sure hes safe and taken care of.

But he couldnt. And he wouldnt put Steve through the stress of dealing with him. He knew Steve was hurt when he turned him down, but it needed to be done. He didn't want to turn back to The Winter Soldier and hurt him on accident.

He knew Steve would listen, but he couldnt get rid of that small part of him that hoped Steve wouldnt listen to him.

He hasnt been able to sleep very much, between working and his nightmares he didn't really want to sleep, but whenever he was awake his mind would wander back to how hurt and upset Steve looked when he told him to stop following him. Everytime he shut his eyes, he was looking into Steve as the hope drained from his eyes.

He could help but feel guilty, but it was the right thing to do. Right? He's starting to think it wasn't.

He's still been watching Steve, keeping his distance, but still watching. He just couldnt leave him completely.

The thing was, he hasn't seen Steve come out of his building, or even look out his window. Steve used to love to just stare and draw what was outside, but he just stopped as soon as he stopped going outside. It was starting to worry Bucky with how little activity he saw from the apartment.

So he did the stupid thing and decided to break in and risk getting caught, but he couldnt help it. He needed to know that Steve was safe and okay.

Steve heard the bathroom window opening. He heard the person slowly coming onto his room. He knew they were watching him. He just didn't care enough to fight them. He didnt want to be alive anymore. He could barely make it through when he thought Bucky died, but now that Bucky didnt want him around anymore? He wanted to sleep for another 70 years.

Bucky was confused when Steve didnt even react to him sliping through his window and into his room. He's a bit out of practice so he had made a little to much noise that most definitely would wake Steve.

He crouched down next to Steve's bedside, then Steve spoke.

"If your gonna kill me, just do it already. Make it quick."

That shattered Buckys heart. He almost wanted to belive he misheard, but he knew he didn't. Steve just told someone who broke in to kill him if they wanted.

Slowly Bucky lifted his hand to carfully remove the blanket from Steve's face. His eyes were red, so was his nose. His face was tear stained, it looked like he had just been sobbing before he walked in. Buckys face softened when Steve slowly opened his eyes.

At first Steve was confused, then upset and then confused again.

"Is this a illusion again?" He said, he had gotten a few illusions since he started too lose more and more sleep

"No baby, it isn't. Its me." Bucky gently rubbed Steve's hand.

"Im sorry i left. Im sorry that i hurt you." He continued, "I didnt want to hurt you."

Steve sniffled and sat up, "the only thing you could do to hurt me is leave me." He said and held Bucky's hand.

"I wont leave you again. I promise," he brought up Steve's hand and pressed a gentle kiss on the back of his hand.

"Will you come lay down? I want to sleep." He said, he was still very tired and most likely still thought it was a dream.

Bucky stood up and layed down right next to Steve, he grabed Steves waist and pulled him close, he just needed to know he was safe and in his arms.

When Steve woke up he shot up because he didnt remember it was Bucky who had his arms around him. Bucky just looked up it him, he didn't sleep, he just admired Steve.

"Bucky?" Steve said after a moment when he processed that it was Bucky that was in his bed.

"Yes Stevie, its me." He smiled slightly.

Steve quickly pulled him into a hug, he was trying to hold back his tears but he wasnt doing well.

"You said you didnt wanna see me? Why are you here?" He sniffled.

"I was watching you, making sure you were okay from a distance. Then you slowly stopped doing everything. So, i had to check on you. I didn't know if you were okay or not." He said, rocking Steve softly to try and comfort him.

"I didnt think you wanted to see me."

"No love, I didn't want you near me because im dangerous. People dont like me, and that would bring you hate too. I dont want that for you." He rubbed his back.

"I would rather have everyone in the world hate me as long as I could stay with you. It doesnt matter how dangerous you think you are. You arent dangerous to me. I would rather die then go on without you."

"But doll-" Steve cut Bucky off.

"But nothing. When you were first presumed dead, a few weeks later i went into the ice. It wasnt a coincidence. I could've gave coordinates or climbed out. But i didnt want too. It wouldve ended the war and I wouldve died honorably, and thats what your wouldve wanted. I couldnt go on without you."

It got quiet after that, just the sounds of them breathing and occasionally a sniffle or small sob. Eventually, Steve got tired and started too drift to sleep, so Bucky laid them down.

"Its okay, I'll be here when your wake up. Im not going anywhere." He kissed Steves forehead and went to sleep alongside him.

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