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Once Cale woke up after his meetings with Death, he wasn't in his own room. No, he was in the room that he designed himself because of the God's lack of interior design.

Why did Cale choose to personally see through to this and not just let the gods take care of it you ask? Well, he wants to rest. And what better than him being in the care of the Gods, all he just needs to do is report all the people's energy fluctuations to see if they were the cause of their world getting destroyed. Or if it's the world itself.

Cale really didn't want to work with the gods, but, since he could rest and all he needs to do is watch out for signs, Cale finds he more acceptable than having to take care of the hunters. (He will inevitably have to take care of the hunters as well, but Cale wants to hold that off for as long as possible)

He sat up and began to think about the additional information that death informed him about.

Apparently, a version of Cale did exist in the alternative world that the Gods were planning to watch. It's just that, he suddenly disappeared on the exact day that Cale himself arrived in his world.

Suddenly, a black window appeared in front of him, the letters a white color.

<< Hello, my child!! >>

Cale knew this was Death due to him telling him to do this, He already gave the gods his permission to use his memories in the like so that the people from the other world would think that the Gods were going to save them using information from his world in order to guide them. When in reality it was just a ploy so they wouldn't know that their real purpose is so spy ok them to see what's wrong.

Cale made this plan himself, the Gods were just following him.

"Have you done with I asked?" Cale questioned to god-disguised-system, smoothing out the wrinkles that appeared on his clothes.

<< Of course, I have! >>

Cale was referring to his request (read: demand) to the God of having his children along with him, and also the time in his world to be stopped so that nothing unexpected would happen while he was gone. (And also for the God's own sake because of what his family would do if he was gone for too long.)

Additional requests that Cale made from the god is, of course, money. (Since the fake hilsman stole his money that he worked hard for.)

Cale stood up from his seat, planning on exploring the place.

He looked around the room, seeing all the greenery that he placed around the room in case he needed to use his ancient powers. Clear waterways around the corners of the large room,  green grass, trees and vines growing all around the walls of the room. Artificial air along with wind everywhere. And artificial rock formations, flowers growing everywhere.

Other than the greenery everywhere, there was seats everywhere like what cale woke up. All the chairs having names engraved in small letters on top of their headrest.

Facing the chairs was a huge black screened TV.

The chair he woke up in having the name, "Alver Crossman" engraved on top of the headrest.

Cale stared at it for a few minutes, before quickly facing away, shaking his head.

He walked away and left a room, his pace fast. (It wasn't like he was embarrassed or something)


Cale entered a hallway, it was the thing cale spent the longest to design.

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