Chapter Four: Find the Meaning

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You decide to open the pizza box, and when you open it, you discover that it is literally just a regular pizza, I don't know why you look so surprised, like would I put a bomb or something in there? No, I would not, that would only be the doing of an insane person. But I guess you could call me insane, I guess I am, I've been watching, but I really do want to fix what I did wrong.

Anyhow, the pizza does have something inside of it, you just don't know yet... never mind, you found the thing. It's a note, I good one too I wrote it myself. I'll just listen in on what you're saying, couldn't hurt.

"What does 'fund tha mooning' mean? Like, what?" I hear you confusedly say. I meant 'Find the Meaning'; I was going to make that ominous, but my horrible handwriting just messed it all up. So much for me seeming like an almighty figure, if I can't write good, I don't know how almighty I am.

Okay, I'm going to have to come up with plan B, that would be useful. Maybe I could... maybe... I have no idea, okay? I just wanted to help you, I just wanted to feel good and useful for once, I just wanted to stop being a bad person.

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