Lying isn't good..

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Warning there is gonna be spanking of a minor in this story. If you don't like it, don't read it!..Also Ace is an OC. Oh and read at the bottom to see what a blood fruit is! I made it up lol)

It was the morning and Nero was playing around with a ball in the house. Vergil was doing work and Ace(Neros adopted father was out shopping with dante.) Nero was bored and decided to play ball.

Vergil was okay with it, due to the house being big. Also cause Nero said he'd be careful. Nero ran around kicking it and wasn't paying attention. The ball bounced and hit a vase, Nero froze. He was worried his father would get mad if he told him. So instinctively he hid the broken glass under a rug. Grabbing his ball he went to play somewhere else.

A few hours later Nero finished lunch and went to play, but Vergil stopped him. "Nero, did you break a vase and hide it?" He asked. Neros heart sank and he tried to remain calm. "No.."he says softly. Vergil knew that the vase couldn't have broke on its own so he asked again. "Did you break it? I won't be mad." He says again, but Nero remained firm. "No I didn't ."

Vergil sighed knowing this wouldn't be easy, so he tried a trick question. "Well I know that it happened to be broken..someone must have.." he began. Nero got annoyed and looked at him. "My ball didn't break it.". He says. Vergils eyed him for a second then spoke. "I didn't say your ball broke it, I said someone must have. I may have asked if you did it, but I never said your ball.". Nero looked at the floor. "Did you break it-" Nero stood up. "I didn't break the damn vase!" He yelled.

Vergil was shocked and immediately stood up. "Look at me. Now." He demanded. Nero looked up at him angry. "First of all we don't yell. Second of all we don't swear and lastly we don't give additide." He said. Nero looked away and mumbled sorry. "So not only did you break the vase.. you lied and swore about it. This can't go unpunished." Neros eyes teared up.

Vergil picked up his child and brought him to the bathroom. Once inside he ran soap under water and made Nero open. Nero resisted at first but eventually did so and cringed. Vergil had it in his mouth for five minutes before taking it out again and rinsing his mouth out. He looked at his child. "You don't hear me?" Nero nodded and Vergil put him in the timeout chair. "You'll be here for 5 minutes. Imma put a timer and come back when it goes off. After it's done I'll come get you and we'll talk.

Nero nodded and Vergil left. He sniffled and looked at the floor. Eventually Vergil came back once the timer rang. He picked up Nero and looked in his eyes. "Nero due to what you did today I decided to spank you. Also you will take a break for playing with your ball. Am I clear?" He said. Nero started to whimper but nodded in understandment. Vergil gave a nod and put the child over his lap, rubbing his back slightly.

"I'll get this over with quickly, then you'll be forgiven. I'm sorry I have to do this." Once the hits began Neros eyes teared up. Vergil spanked him at a firm fast pace trying to be quick. *Smack* *smack**smack* Nero yelped at each it. He couldn't help it and started to cry as he was spanked. *Swat* *swat **swat* "I-iam sorry daddy!" He sobbed. Vergil frowned and continued. "All is forgiven. Your doing good..your almost done." He says and gives Nero a few more hits then stopped.

Nero sobbed loudly and Vergil picked him up hugging him tightly. "Shhhshh.. all is forgiven. I'm proud of you." He said rubbing his back. "You took your punishment and didn't try to run away." He says. Nero hugged him back and eventually calmed down. "I'm sorry.." he mumbled. Vergil brought him to the kitchen and popped a blood fruit in his mouth. "It's alright.. you understand why I had to do that right? " He asked and Nero nodded. "Your father and uncle should be home soon. And yes I know your too big for blood fruit. But it's our secret." He says and Nero giggled.

Then ten minutes later Dante and Ace came inside. "We're home." Ace called out. Nero ran to him giggling and Dante went to raid there fridge. "Babe.. why does nero-" Vergil stopped him and smiled. "I know but.. let it slide this time." He says and Ace chuckled. "Alright." He hugged both.

The end-

Something I drew, explaining blood fruit

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Something I drew, explaining blood fruit. Nero isn't a baby in the story! He's 8. I just drew him as a babe in that pic))

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