Chapter 18

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Finishing your glass of orange juice, you slung your backpack around your torso and stood. Going into the living room, you plopped down on the couch beside Kei as you both waited on Kai to finish his breakfast. He handed you a folded paper he had gotten signed by Fai which you needed to turn in in order to excuse your absence.

It was the next day, and you were in much better mood; either from meeting a few new people, or just getting out last night, you weren't sure. One thing you were of though, is that you needed to keep positive despite everything negative bothering you—it was the only way to cope with anything.

You yawned and leaned back, watching as the news reported the day's weather: hot with lots of sun—about eighty three degrees. Unlikely for December, the anchor added that it was a seasonal change, meaning that beginning next week, it would be storm after winter storm. The station suddenly cut to a breaking news report that made you jump from the noise. Rolling your eyes and shoving a chuckling Kei, you turned your attention to the brunette male on the screen.

"I'm here live at Central Twilight Town Police Headquarters where there has just been an announcement updating the mysterious mangled bodies found in Central-East Twilight Town last weekend. Here with us, we have the man leading the investigation—Detective Masayoshi Tanimura. What can you tell us?"

The camera panned to the brunette male who looked up from a small black notebook," Well, we have found another DNA sample at the scene that DOES NOT belong to the deceased."

You stiffened, sitting up straight," W-What did he just say?"

Kei turned up the volume, also alerted, as Masayoshi continued," It's not a blood sample, but a strand of hair. Through this, we will run a multitude of tests that will determine who the suspected victim of the original crime was, and how they managed to turn the tables on their attackers. Since it was in self-defense though, they will not be charged with murder necessarily, but other prime laws which come first may lead to other charges."

"We heard from the D.A. office that there might be a chance of the original victim being a...gifted being," he said the words slowly despite the fact that they came out in disgust. "Are those true? What are your thoughts?"

"That is just an assumption," he shook his head. "We cannot confirm anything yet. That is all—thank you for your time."

"Oh no...," you shook your head, standing as Kai called at the door—you and Kei exiting the room towards it. "What do I do?"

"It might not be yours," Kei murmured. "If it is, we're going to have to change up some things."

"If we do though, Masayoshi might take the fall for it!" you frowned, slipping on your shoes. "I can't do that to him!"

"Don't worry, it takes time to have anything like that come out. Until it does we wait, and overlook our options."

Taking in the sunlight as you walked to school, you dreaded what would be a hot day later. Along the way, you kept yourself preoccupied with the music on your phone—headphones plugged in—to drown your worries. The passing traffic ruffled your hair with a light breeze, and every time a car that was going over the speed limit passed, you had to turn away in order to keep your bangs intact.

Your pace slowed slightly when you reached the campus grounds, and you trailed behind the twins. Eventually losing them within the crowds and clusters of students, you wandered off leisurely into the main building, taking out your note and putting away your phone as you went through the doors of the main office. There, you noticed Angeal behind the desk as he helped a wildly spiked and layered blonde male in front of you get his things together.

[KH/FF] Treachery of Fate: Imperfect ImposterWhere stories live. Discover now