chapter 1

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My dad called me downstairs which he never does so I thought it was important, so as a good girl I am I went downstairs. I saw a person in a black suit with my dad. "Dad who is this person" I say. "I sold you to him, now quickly get your things and get out of my sight now!!" my dad says. The man is introduced as a mafia.

"My name is Jake Sim or Sim Jaeyun" the man says.
"Okay, I didn't even want to stay with you DAD!" I spit. My dad doesn't care, and I leave. The whole car ride is silent when I try to break the silence "how old are you?" He ignores my words.

We reach the house, I see a huge mansion and wonder 'wow this is so big.' I see a girl, she looked so pretty. She tells me her name is Winter. She seems nice, and she treats me nicely. She tells me "Don't mind Jake I'm his unnie, you can also call me unnie if you want. He is 19 years old and very cold and rude." I reply with an okay and thank you. "Try to be as comfortable as possible" Winter says. "Thanks!, your nothing like your brother" I say.

(A/n: btw '... ' is thoughts)

"You will like him after staying here for some time, if you need anything I'll be there for you, you can say anything to me" Winter continues. Unnie then shows me my room and I unpack. Then THE JAKE comes in and I shout "GET OUT OF MY ROOM!" and he has the nerve to say "every room in this house is mine so I can come here whenever I feel like it."

This man gets on my nerves a lot and I mean it when I say a lot.

'Am I falling for y/n?' Jake thinks.

(A/n:oops forgot to mention y/n is the girls name).

sold to the mafia jake sim x female readerWhere stories live. Discover now