chapter 2

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Y/n pov:-

I wake up and go downstairs to the kitchen, Jake is knot home but Winter unnie is so I ask her wear the kitchen is and I make some pancakes. I bet Jake is probably in a mafia meeting. I burn the pancakes because of my thoughts about Jake. "Why am I so worried about Jake" I say to myself.

Jake pov:-

At the meeting, I was a bit bothered of y/n, I've never felt this for anyone it's all so new. "Jake hyung you alright?" Ni-ki says.

"I'm alright Ni-ki." I reply. I don't tell about y/n.

"Is it something about the girl that is so stubborn?" Heesung hyung asks.

"NO, I SAID I'M FINE NOW LEAVE ME ALONE" I shout. I know I shouldn't have done that but I couldn't control my words.

"Jeez hyung what happened to you?" Sunghoon says.

Y/n pov:-

I was walking around the house and I found Jake's room, I wanted to go in there but I stopped myself. It was very hard trying not to go in Jake's room. I went to unnie because I was bored. "I'm bored unnie" I said. She replied " Well, do you want to talk about something, maybe Jake?"

"WH-WHAT, N-NO WHAT I DON'T LIKE HIM" I said. "I didn't even ask about that. You sure?" She asks. 'What am I going to do with unnie, she is suspecting me for liking Jake ugh' I say to myself. "So, you do like him hah I knew it!" She says. I lay down in bed thinking about what had happened right now and if I do like him because I've never felt this feeling near anyone.

'What will happen to me if I do like him? How will I tell him, should I tell him? I'm drowning in my thoughts about Jake.'

Jake knocks on my bedroom door and tells me to come down for lunch. I go downstairs and see Jake wearing a suit. I think to myself 'omg he looks so hot in his suit!'.

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