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Chapter 121: One Hundred and Twenty-One Salted Fish

Yu Xian stayed in the end.

She asked that sentence if she could escape from the small world, nor I really want to leave.

It was only after the illegal system was caught that Yu Xian felt blessed and knew that he could leave, so he asked this question.

In fact, Yu Xian feels that it is good to stay in this small world.

She had no previous memories, but she felt very relaxed. After entering this small world, she always felt like she was on vacation.

In this case, why go back to the Space-Time Bureau and continue running to the next mission world?

Moreover, she fed a certain scumbag cat for several days, and the scumbag cat didn't even let her see a hair.

Yuxian felt that he needed to work harder, at least to be ruthless enough to be able to escape from the small world.

Yuxian stood in the living room and heard a panicked call from Qi Mingcheng's bedroom.

Qi Mingcheng finally discovered that the system was missing.

But that system had long been captured by 518 and handed over to the Space and Time Bureau. It was useless even if Qi Mingcheng shouted at the top of his voice.

518 gloated: "That illegal system bound Qi Mingcheng was really unlucky. When I caught it, it only had one-fifth of its energy left, and it couldn't travel to other small worlds at all!"

" It’s not an accident. The system is greedy and Qi Mingcheng is mentally retarded. How can they end up well when they meet?” Yu Xian said with a smile.

Although I don't know why the illegal system is willing to provide so much energy to Qi Mingcheng, the left and right people have just reached some kind of agreement, thinking that they still have a chance to make a comeback, and they can absorb a lot of luck by then.

Once successful, how many small worlds will the illegal system want to travel through?

It's just that Cosine didn't give them this chance.

After finding Yu Dao who was hiding from the smell outside and telling her that her work was done, Yu Xian wandered back to her and Ning Qiu's temporary "home".

The familiar scene reappeared, with Little Kitten standing in front of Yu Xian's bedroom door with her arms folded.

Yu Xian found it funny: "Here you come to check again?"

Ning Qiu rolled her eyes angrily: "I'm worried about you! That kid on Bai Tong is very powerful, why don't you seem to care about it at all?"

After dinner, Yu Xian said he was going out. While walking, Ning Qiu knew what she wanted to do.

I wanted to follow him, but was stopped by Yu Xian.

Ning Qiu has been very worried since then, fearing that something unexpected might happen to Yu Xian.

Although with the level of cosine drawing talismans, he could kill the kid with just various talismans and seals, Ning Qiu was still a little worried.

A smile flashed in Yu Xian's eyes, his legs softened, and he fell towards Ning Qiu.

"Ah, I'm really tired. I can't stand now. It would be nice if there was a little kitten for me to hug..."

Ning Qiu, who thought she was really tired, had already reached out to help her:...

Ning Qiu wanted to push the person away, but Yu Xian was already leaning on her, her whole body was as soft as a noodle, and she couldn't exert even one ounce of strength.

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