Chapter 1

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The picture above is of tori. Enjoy !!!!!


Last week has been a bit rough due to difficulties at the shop. Nevertheless I was not determined to let that spoil my day. Just like everyone else out there, Monday mornings we're not my favourite. As usual I forced myself up and made my bed then tidy up room a bit an got ready for school.

I decided to go casual and simple today, so I wore a pair of dark Parker jeans with a white v neck T-shirt and a black leather jacket then I pared those with a converse.

By the time I left home dad already left to open the shop. In case I didn't mention my father acts the role of both parents since my mom was murdered a few years back.

We are not poor nor are we rich. We live an average normal life, he own a car shop where he fixes and repairs cars. I only see him late at night when he comes home from a long day at work. But lately things haven't been going to well. There are people who owe him money that haven't paid yet.

Anyway enough of that.

As of this moment school was my number one priority, i can't afford to slip because I would loose my scholarship. And thats the last thing I need right now.

An average day a school everyone greeting each other hugs, kisses, other things....

It was approximately 8:20am and that leaves me 10minutes to get by books from my locker and head to class.

I open my locker which was located next to my best friend's locker unfortunately she reaches very late. She comes a few seconds before the bell rings to start the beginning of class. I would see her at lunch and then after school at the diner.

I got my books for biology and packed them neatly into my bag pack. I closed my locker and threw the long straight hairs that fell at the front of my face to the back of me.

As I threw my bag pack on one shoulder of my slender body,I heard the thumping of heels walking in my direction. Without having to even guess who it was I already knew. It was Ava. Ava was the 'Fab Queen' as she would call herself, i taught people would stop naming themselves after cartoon characters.

I mean hello you're not in high school anymore your a grown up. Act like one. Or in her case pretend to be.

She was a very proud and pumpous blonde whose main objective is to step on anyone who gets in her way of getting what she wants. She is the daughter of Robert Taylor, owner and CEO of Taylor exports. Oh and not to forget girlfriend of the Ashton Anderson.

She had anger and hate displayed all over her fear white face. Her 5inch heels stomp with force as she walked with her arms folded almost covering he slim frame. You could hear the charms dangling from her many bracelets, that hung from he ankle.

Other students looked on whispering tiny bits of gossip and lightly giggling behind her back.
It didn't bother me what was going on and it was non of my business. As I glanced at my black G-shock watch to know that bell would only ring in a few minutes I felt someone bunb into me, nudging my bag pack to slide off my shoulder.

I looked up and saw Ava I shouldn't be surprised after all I'm not her most favoured person in the world. But I'll leave that to explain for some other time.

She was steaming I sware if I didn't blink I might of seen the puffs of smoke exhaling from her nostrils. I knew she saw me and bumped into me on purpose.

She looked down at me and stepped closer allowing her self to now face me.

"Watch where you're going bitch" the words spat out of her mouth.

OK first to begin with I did her nothing, she bumped into me. And to be honest I don't care what kind of shitty day she was having but I was not up to take bullshit from anyone this morning.

"Excuse me but you bumped into me" I said sternly
I think my coment make her even angrier.

"Get your whorey ass out of the way before it hit you," she look dread. However it didn't intemidate me.

"You wouldn't dare" I wispered to her giving her a slight smerk.

I was not about to give her the satisfaction of making her feel like I would shiver at the sight of her. I was stronger that she taught.

Her shoes gave her height. She looked down at me, her eyes in a dark brown colour shooting daggers at me. She raised her hand swiftly and was bout to slap me when I caught hold of it. I twisted it behind her back and squeezed.

She was shocked and a bit frightened at my response.
"I'm not the person you want to mess with, anymore" I said slowly emphasizing every word.

I felt her shiver. Good. As just in time, the bell rang. I loosened my grip and then she pulled away. She stared at me then swifted her head to the side allowing her long blonde straight hair to graze my face.

She walked away even angrier than before. I felt a sign of relief, but also knowing that she wouldn't let this one go that easily.

Hi everyone I'm new to the whole writing experience.

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