Part 1

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In a world just like ours, lived a small family of four; they were unique. This family was special compared to other families. They had powers. The mother was a sorcerer of many different magics, but she specializes in healing magic. The father, a tamed demon. An angry mob came to their house one day looking for this family's demise. The mother was frightened for her kids, Brine and Sarah. Brine was hiding beneath the table, while Sarah was crying in her mother's hands. The enraged mob outside started to bang on the door. The father grabbed the children and looked at his wife "I can only save the children". The mother understood and got her wand out for battle. They knew Brine and Sarah wouldn't remember anything (even them). In their final moment at home, the mother gave Sarah a beautiful heart-shaped locket with a music box inside. The door broke open and the angry mob walked in with swords and bows as the children vanished from their home. The parents, sadly, were barbarously murdered in their own home. The children ended up in a different place far from home.

They were eight years older than they were when they were teleported. Brine turned thirteen and teleported to a village where a nice family took him in. Sarah, eight years older, teleported to the middle of nowhere. Sarah had the most power in her family, and as soon as she arrived, she got the most attention as well. Brine woke up in a warm bed with a new loving family and a place to live. The family told him the truth about how they found him and asked where he came from, but he didn't know anything about his past. Sarah woke up in the snow, a little sick, but she walked around looking for a warm place to stay. Sarah looked for two hours, as she did, her sickness got worse. Her black, wavy hair made her look sicker. The sun finally went down, and Sarah was too tired to walk; Sarah fell asleep under a big tree in the snow. An hour passed before a young traveler found her, and took Sarah to the nearest town.

Brine went to bed with the new clothes that his adopted parents gave him. When he woke up in the morning, he ate breakfast then grabbed a wooden sword and started to train with his new father. The father was a knight in this village. After the training, Brine decided to become a warrior like his adopted dad. The house was only one story high, with three bedrooms, a bathroom, and a small kitchen. It might have been small, but it was home. 

It was noon, and Sarah finally woke up, but she was frightened and confused. Sarah got up and grabbed a plate from the table next to the bed she was laying in. She spotted some stairs and walked down them. Sarah saw two people by the door to a small room, and it looked like there was food inside. Sarah whacked one of the boys with the plate. The plate broke on his head as the other ran over, and grabbed Sarah to hold her down. Sarah started to fight back; she tried to get a piece of the broken plate. A young woman walked into the room and stopped the two from hurting each other. The young woman exclaimed, "Boys if you were her and you didn't know how you got here, you would do the same thing". The two boys apologized and announced their names were Leo and Jake. Leo looked a bit funny with his blue hair and green eyes, but not as funny as Jake's conversation with the young lady's friend Bella. She was pretty and from what Sarah understood at the time was nothing, but now that she is older she understands that Jake was flirting. Sarah had to ask Jake a question but waited until Jake woke up. Bella seemed to have punched him cold out but Sarah saw no reason why Jake just said "Hi baby". Does that mean she is going to have a baby, was Sarah's thought about the situation at the time. Sarah finally woke up Jake and asked why he had a funny mark on his arm. Everyone stared at Sarah probably to find a way to tell her what it was. Bella finally stepped in and said, "It's a tattoo". Sarah looked at it for a little longer to find out why it was stuck on his skin but stopped after she started to get dizzy. 

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