The Unyielded Crest Of Noire

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Forged without fire
Sculpted without ice
Coated with a regal flair
And twisted as nice.

This is the essence that can't be unseen.
This is the being from a dream.

A dream, you say? More like a wish
A wish to be known as one's true self
A wish to have something to call my own

The day I felt that scarlet gloam

That warm embrace that felt so right
What carried me through those dreadful nights
Wandering through the Noire of confusion and blight and acted as my beacon of light.

It took many years and a few shed tears,
But at last I can say that I know your name
The Elusive "Red" that always enchanted me.
Let It be written....

Your name is.....


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 15 ⏰

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