New Day: Amnesty Bay - 2022

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History was being made: for the first time in centuries, Atlantis was revealing itself to the Surface. 

Well, Arthur was the one revealing it. 

"I come here today as a representative of two worlds: the land and the sea. And I stand here as proof that change is coming to both. And I am calling for global unity for a global crisis, to finally bring harmony between us and the natural balance of our world. Atlantis stands ready to help contribute its science and technology, and with your knowledge of the air, and our knowledge of the seas, together we can write the next chapter in our story, rather than its ending. Sometimes it's gonna seem like our differences are too extreme, but all we have to do is look beneath the surface to see that we're all here on this planet with the same goals and aspirations. Even when our customs might seem strange and unfamiliar. And by overcoming our prejudices we'll become stronger and learn more about ourselves. We can seize this moment to create a better, more hopeful future for our children and our families. My name is Arthur Curry - I am the rightful sovereign of the undersea nation of Atlantis. I'm a father, a brother, a warrior and a friend. I m the King of Atlantis - I am Aquaman!"

Days after Arthur's speech to the UN - and to the world - the news coverage and reruns were constant. Claudia was very proud.

She was down below decks going through some photos to select for her next exhibition - appropriately on climate change and its effects on both the ocean and land - when from above, she heard the distinct sound of someone landing on the deck. There was no usual, "Permission to come aboard?" so she ran up to see.

It wasn't Arthur as she had expected. Instead, she was surprised to find none other than Orm standing there. They hadn't seen each other since parting in Antarctica those months before.

He looked totally different, as he was wearing tan coloured shorts, a T-shirt with a cartoon shark on it, and a zip-up hoodie, and it was honestly so adorable. 

She smiled.  "Oh, it's you."

He smiled back.  "Hello Claudia."

"What are you wearing?"

He glanced down at his attire. She looked down too and found he was wearing sandals on his feet. Adorable indeed. "Is this not what Surface Dwellers wear?"

"No, we do. It looks great, I just haven't seen you wearing anything other than your wetsuits. Don't worry, it suits you."

He seemed to relax more at this, which was good as she hadn't meant to worry him. "Arthur told me that you like burgers and beer, and he wants me to try them. I was wondering if you might consider joining me?"

"No consideration necessary: let's go! I know the best place!" She wasn't about to tell him that she had already had lunch. 

Soon they were at the restaurant being led to a table on a patio overlooking the ocean.

"Allow me-" Orm rushed around to her side of the table and pulled her chair out for her.

"Aw - putting those royal skills to good use I see."

"Always." He sat down across from her. "So this is the best place for burgers and beer?"

"In my humble opinion, yes. Careful though, the seagulls with try to steal your fries."

Their waitress approached the table.  "Hi welcome  - oh hey, Claudia, it's been a while."

"Hey Alice. It has. This is my friend." She gestured across the table to Orm.  "Can you believe he's never had a burger before?"


"Nope. So I had to bring him to the best, naturally. So we'll have two burgers with fries please, and all the fixings, and two pints of Guinness." 

Sea Star - Orm MariusWhere stories live. Discover now