Changes in lan wangji??

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After 5 months

There aren't many changes in these few months, the relationship of lan wangji and Wei ying is even better but there is something off, wei ying doesn't know what that is but definitely something is off with lan wangji, it's not like the other guy don't love her, he loves her very much and more like his love for her is increasing day by day.

Wei ying's Pov

Wei ying was tired from the college , she returned to lan wangji apartment , yes she is still living there because her boyfriend isn't allowing her to live alone . She came back home to see lan wangji crazily typing in his laptop, well lan wangji graduated and is officially working in his parents company , even though he is busy as fuck but he still make sure to return home before Wei ying does and work from home , wei ying changed her clothes, went toward kitchen making dinner for her boyfriend, as soon as dinner was done lan wangji closed laptop went toward her kissed her roughly then proceed to eat dinner. They ate in silence as per Lan's rule , later they were cuddling and talking about various things , like what happened in wei ying's college and what happened in lan wangji's workshop , Wei ying soon drifted to sleep but woke up when she sensed a hand near her trouser , well this is change in lan wangji , At first when they get intimate lan wangji asked every time before touching her like that wei ying was soon irritated so she asked Lan wangji to touch her whenever he wants , and it seems like the biggest mistake of her life since lan wangji is very horny and fuck her without warning just like previous weekend she was washing dishes when he suddenly came and undressed her, fucked her hard. Lan wangji's hand was inside wei ying's trouser , wei ying was still wearing her underwear, that naughty hand of her boyfriend start rubbing and massaging her hole , she was starting to get aroused, fuck she is still wearing underwear but still her boyfriend's hand is making her feel horny but she didn't change her facial expression she knew lan wangji was watching her face , but soon lan wangji slipped his hand in his underwear , the feeling was so great that she wanted to moan loudly but she stopper , lan wangji start sensually touching ,rubbing and massaging her hole making her aroused , of course she isn't like her boyfriend,  her facial expression changed a bit and as soon as lan wangji was that wei ying was awake he put his one  finger in her hole , finally she couldn't hold her moan , he started thrusting that one finger soon he added 2nd then 3rd thrusting continuisly , he replaced the fingers with his cock slamming into her hole like a wild beast , it was a mess lan wangji was like a alpha in rut meanwhile wei ying was moaning mess.
" er gege please mercy"
" wei ying is so sexy , I can't stop myself "
After 2nd round they both drifted to sleep.
Well this ain't the change Wei ying is talking about the fact is lan wangji often had nightmares since they return from gusu . At first lan wangji was always gentle while having sex bur after the nightmare started he was getting aggressive so aggressive that she couldn't handle and also last time lan wangji created a big ruckus in her college when a junior proposed her, he was getting more possessive and aggressive although he still care about her but wei ying couldn't help but get worried about her boyfriend. She told her worries to yanli but she shrugged of saying it's good that lan wangji cares about her but wei ying thinks it's not about the fact that he cares , the thing is lan wangji often call her name in nightmares when he woke up from nightmares he often tightly hug her to sleep.

Lan wangji's pov

It's hard to sleep at night with those memories that gives me nightmares and that stalker of my wei ying is a headache I couldn't track him I don't know why I feel everything is related to those memories the stalker maybe is person from the memories I get to see parts by parts of memories but some of them are so terrible that I couldn't help but get afraid . I know I have been really aggressive these days but I can't I saw wei ying as a boy jumping from a cliff,there was blood everywhere I saw him crying when he lost his sister , I was some guy holding sword I tried to stop but I couldn't,  I saw in those memories how I wasn't able to express myself and often get into fight with my wei ying , my wei ying refused my help and I was so stupid I wasn't able to do anything it hurts it hurts so much. Whenever I am being intimate with wei ying those scenes flash in my mind where wei ying try to avoid me , get away with me I couldn't help but get aggressive I often regret it but I am just helpless.


My board exams just finished not finished but last one is on 2nd of April so I get time to update. Chapter is short, I have to update my other story too I didn't update that story for months

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