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I could say I had a good childhood, of course, if it weren't for the fact that my twin evil sister, Lucy, did everything possible to ruin it.

"Yeji! What did you do?!" My dad exclaimed furiously, as he walked into our room, while Lucy cried.

But I hadn't done anything to her, she just pretended that I had hit her so dad would scold me.

"Daddy, I don't-" I tried to say, but Lucy cried even harder and our dad lifted her into his arms.

"She hit me, daddy! It was her!" Her screams reached mom's ears, who immediately entered the room.

"What's going on here?"

I looked at mom and tried to speak, before my dad started yelling.

"Yeji as always hitting Lucy, I can't believe you're her older sister and treat her that way!"

In fact, I was her older sister for only the two minutes that took for the doctors to get her out of mom's tummy.

"But I-" Again, I tried to speak, but Lucy screamed louder.

"Yeji is bad, she is very bad with me, daddy!" Lucy exclaimed and I looked at her, then I realized there was a smile on her face and she immediately buried her face in dad's neck.

"Yeji, love. Is that true?"

On the other hand, my mother was much more affectionate with me, she approached and knelt in front of me, putting her hand on my shoulder, while she looked me in the eyes.

My little eyes filled with tears and I couldn't stop a tear from running down my cheek, so she immediately wiped it away with her thumb.

"Stop talking to her so lovingly every time she does something bad! That's why she's a brat who hits her sister!"

Dad exclaimed and my mother immediately stood up and turned around to face him, while I held on to her legs.

"You don't tell me how I should or should not treat my daughters! I know Yeji very well, I know that she is not as you say!"

Mom also started raising her voice, which was something that had been recurring in recent weeks.

"If you knew her well, you wouldn't be defending her, what about Lucy? Don't you see how she's crying?!"

Dad said and my mom ran her hand through her hair, looking quite frustrated.

"Lucy, my love, look me in the eyes and tell me if your sister hit you." My mom told her, Lucy was still sobbing into dad's neck and shook her head, crying even harder.

"It's amazing that you have preferences with your daughters, Seulgi."

It was the last thing dad said and he looked me in the eyes, the same eyes that Lucy and I had, then he turned around and left with my sister in his arms.

My mom took a deep breath and turned around, slowly kneeling in front of me again, while she stroked my hair.

"Did you hit your sister, baby? Tell me the truth." She asked me and I quickly denied.

"I didn't do it, mommy, you have to believe me." I told her on the verge of tears and she smiled a little, pulling me towards her for a hug.

"Calm down, love. I believe you."

And so, the days continued, with Lucy trying to sabotage me in front of dad, while the two of them had loud arguments at night.

Until one night, I woke up from their screams and I went to their room to see what was happening. Now, I was seven years old.

"You think I wouldn't know that you're fucking your stupid secretary?! You're a fucking idiot!"

My mom exclaimed and I closed my eyes and was startled when I saw her throwing the wedding photo frame to Dad.

"You're crazy, leave me alone!" He exclaimed and approached her. "But maybe, that's what we needed, right? A fucking break! These constant arguments have me tired, I'm sick of all this!"

"Now you're the fucking victim?!" My mom exclaimed and turned around as she brushed her hair between her fingers. "Wait for my lawyer, Chansung, I never want to see you again in my life!"

I hid behind the door when mom was about to leave the room, but for some reason, she didn't.

"No, you're not taking my daughters away, you're not!"

He exclaimed and I gulped. I really didn't feel like staying with dad, he had never been very affectionate with me and I felt like he hated me, unlike Lucy.

"Of course I will take my daughters, they are MY daughters, I had them with me for nine months, so, they will come with me!"

When I heard mom's footsteps, I quickly ran to my room, which was close to theirs, and closed the door, panting, with my eyes closed.

By the time I opened them, Lucy was looking at me.

"D-Did you hear them?" I asked her and she snorted.

"Of course I did, I think the whole neighborhood heard them." She said calmly and went to her bed, to get under the covers.

"We're going to move in with mom-" I started, but she interrupted me.

"Of course not, I'll stay with dad. And you'll go with mom."

And like Lucy said, it happened.

She cried so much, that my mom had no choice but to let her stay with dad and he wanted to keep me with him, but I didn't want to and days later, my mom and I were traveling to Japan, to her parents' house and where I spent most of my teens, far from my sister, whom I never heard from again, until I grew up.


15 years later...

"Have you talked to Lucy yet? Does she have no problem with you staying at her apartment?"

My mom asked me and I nodded, giving her a smile, as I finished packing my things.

"Don't worry, mom, it will only be for a few days, while the paperwork for my transfer to Korea is ready, once I finish it, I will go live alone."

I told her and she then smiled, walking over to my bed and sitting next to me, putting her hand on my shoulder, like she always did.

"I hope you don't have any problems with her, you know? When you guys were kids, you both used to fight too much."

She said and I smiled, although those memories were not pleasant at all.

"Did Lucy ever call you, Mom?" I asked her and she shrugged.

"Not really, I was always the one who called her and kept an eye on her, unlike your dad, who did very little with you."

I took a deep breath, while remembered. I didn't cared talk to him and maybe it was for the best, I grew up for a long time without having a father by my side and I didn't need him to be happy next to my mother, who always truly loved me.

I gave her a hug before closing the suitcase and soon we were on the way to the airport in her car.

I took my phone out of my bag, when I heard it ring and on the screen I saw my sister's name, with a message that said.

'See you soon, sis.'

And I couldn't help but feel a weird sensation in my body, even though, since the last time we saw each other, we had not spoken again, until now.

Which was incredible, given that we were twin sisters.

"Best of luck, darling."

"Thanks, Mom."

Now the only thing left is to strengthen the relationship between twin sisters, right?


hey, remember where this story comes from? hahaha I hope you guys like it and I will be updating very soon.


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