Where is Jimin hyung?

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Are you fucking kidding me? Han? Where the fuck is my son?

He didn't come when I came there, sir. So I asked for him, but nobody saw him and his roommate told me, that he left. He had intercom's call that his driver is waiting, we checked security cameras, and according to record he walked out and there waited some off-road car, he was walking to the car and then record ended. Someone deleted it and no one there didn't know about calling with intercome

So where the fuck he is?

I think that someone kidnapped him, sir

WHAT? Why?

because of ransome, sir? Do I have to call police?

No, no I don't want any media attention. We will wait then and we will see if someone will call

Han looked at him with frowning

Ok, sir.


Han bowed and left the room.

Mr. Park took out his phone and dialed some number


Someone kidnapped my Jimin,


can you come here?

I'm on my way

Dad? Hyung?

Oh, you are here alone? Jihyun asked when he came in living room to find there his father sit with his head in his hands

Call your mother and siblings and come back here

Dad, something happened? Where is Jimin hyung? he supposed to be here, yet. I heard you talking aloud. I thought that you are fighting again. Jihyun added in low voice

Mr.Park raise his head and looked at Jihyun. Just do what I said, for god sake!

Jihyun stared at him and from some reason tears started filling his eyes

Where is Jimin hyung? He asked with thigteen throath


Jihyun jerked and ran in his room for his phone. With shiver hands dialed his mother's number

Yes, honey?

Mo.. mom I... I dad wants to see us in living room, now. Don't you know where are....

Juna is with me and Jaesik and Jiwoo are together. We will be there in few minutes. Call your brothers and calm down, baby. I'm on my way


Jihyun dialed his brother's number

Yes hyung?

Come home, dad wants to see us, now.

Hyung are you crying? Something happened to you?

No, not to me, but hyung is not at home yet and I think that something happened to him. Jihyun said, crying.

We are in game center. It's really necessary for us to go there? I mean, it's only about Jimin hyung. I guess he just wanted to piss Dad off, and within a day he shows up, so what if we will stay here and you will tell us everything when we will come back in the evening?

Jiwoo, dad wasn't joking. He was nervous and scared. Something happend, I can sence it. Go and bring Jaesik at home. MOVE!

Ok, geez. Don't panick. Maybe has Jimin some date

Shut the fuck up Jiwoo and rush. Or I'll tell dad, that you are refusing to obey his order

Fine, we are on our way.


After 30 minutes

What happened Daeli? Jimin's and Jihyun's step mother came with her daughter stepping behind her

Sit down, all of you, mr.Park said and all 5 of them did what they were told

When Han came today in Jimin's college to pick him up. He wasn't there and after quick investigation he found out that someone tricked Jimin and took him somewhere

So we think that someone kidnapped Jimin and we are waiting now if someone will call for ransom

Jihyun started cried aloud and his mother stood up and went to him to comfort him.

Jihyun's siblings were quiet and in their eyes could be seen fear

We? Mrs.Park asked and from next room walked out some man.

This, mr. Park showed at the man, is Nam Han-bin, he will do his best to find Jimin

So, no police? Sung-mi asked

No, I don't want any bad attention

But, its Jimin, dad. Jihyun sobbed and breathed hard

Go in your room Jihyun and all of you too. He pointed at the rest of his kids and they all stood up to leave

I still think we should call police, maybe I could...

I SAID NO! Stay out of it Jihyun

But what if someone will hurt him? What if someone will kill him? Its my hyung and I can't just do nothing like you. Maybe you don't mind, but I love him. He is my BROTHER!!!!

Mr.Park stood up, slapped Jihyun and then he grabbed his collar

I said stay out of it, if you will do something you can pack your stuff and leave. How dare you? its my son, my first born and I love him with my whole heart, just like the rest of you. Now go Jihyun and stay out of this. I'm warning you. Don't even think to call police. Or you will face the consequences

Mr.Park was speaking with clenched jaws and Jihyun was standing there frozen, then he turned around and left in his room. Without any other word

You shouldn't do it. Sung-mi said with frowning, he is terrify and you scared him even more.

She said and came to her husband. landing her hand on his shoulders

he is adult, he will handle it. He uttured and shaked her hand away from his shoulder

You are so cold Daeli, you changed a lot. What happened to you? Where is the man who I married 18 years ago? She said and with sad face she left in her own room.

Mr. Park was looking at her walking away, bitting his lower lip and thinking how fix this. Well maybe some necklacke will be enoug.

Jihyun was laying in his bed on his side and shaking with cry.

Hyung, my hyung where are you? Are you Ok? Aren't you cold? Did you ate something? Is someone hurting you? He whispered while he was hugging his pillow.

When his phone started ringing

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