Izuku Midoriya-The Green Demon Part 3

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Right now Izuku is in Tartarus for killing all of Aldera students(-except for the ones like him and the ones who were treated badly) and staff


All Might was defeated by the Nomu

He was about to be killed by the Nomu

Then the glass celling break and Izuku land between All Might and the Nomu

Izuku caught the Fist with barely a finger

Izuku:My, my. What a giant chicken is here.

Tomura:Who are you?

Izuku:The Name is Izuku Midoriya. But you can call me The Green Demon,My Handyman Friend. Now I give you a warning.


Izuku:Leave All Might, Magnet and 1A alone or you'll die by my hand. And to demonstrate you. *snap his fingers*

The Nomu was engulfed in flames until it remains only ashes

Izuku:Do you wish to continue?

Tomura:Kurogiri, open the portal.

Kurogiri opened a portal and Tomura leave

Izuku:Now that's been taken care off.

Then Izuku heard a voice that he hated the most

Izumi:Oni-chan you saved us.

Izumi rushed to hug Izuku, but she stopped when Izuku smiled at her and it wasn't a welcoming smile

Izumi rushed to hug Izuku, but she stopped when Izuku smiled at her and it wasn't a welcoming smile

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Izuku:Oh, how foolishness of you, Izumi. I didn't saved you because I care about you.

Everyone was shocked that he said that

Izuku:No. I saved you because no one will kill you, except for me.

Izuku walked towards All Might with his devilous smile on his face

Then the door burst open, revealing The UA staff and Tenya

Izuku:*look at Nezu*My, my. You came right at the right moment, My Homunculus Friend.

The Heroes rushed at Izuku

Izuku knew that it's child play to kill them, but he let himself capture because he know that The Hero Comision will say that they capture someone dangerous

Flashback end

Now Izuku is watching the Sport Festival on a TV

The Sport Festival was over and All Might give them the medals

Shoto was 3rd,Izumi was 2nd and Katsuki was 1st

All Might give them the medals

Then Izuku was covered in flames and dissappear

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