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Day One, Henry

The school counselor said I should write my feelings in a journal, so that's what I'm doing. I don't get why people think writing in a journal does anything, but I'm not good with feelings despite how I act.
I don't like dealing with my feelings, it's difficult to do it. I ignore the feeling unless it's useful in the moment.
I find my skill in removing my emotions from the situation I'm in to be a good way to prevent myself from saying something wrong, although there have been times where I have slipped up. That is inevitable however, so I don't count it fully.
It is currently 9:58 pm, so I will have to sleep soon. I hope nobody other than me has to read this.

Day One, Milly

I don't think documenting my emotions will undo me punching Henry. He didn't react, only Drew and Liam did. I am exaggerating of course, he did react but in the same way he did previously. Oddly calm, with a delayed reaction. Not delayed as in being so caught off guard his brain took a bit to catch up, it was more like he forgot to react and realized he needed to a moment after he should've reacted.
Jake once made a comment about me and Henry being fairly similar; our behavior, our height, how we both make jokes often. But I believe we have more than that in common. We most likely both share the fact that our outward behavior is merely a facade that we put up to make ourselves more likeable.

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