"Bill kaulitz's pet"

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*Maxs pov*

I wake up to the sound of yelling, I look around and see Bill passed out next to me with a shit ton of alcohol surrounding him, I look to my other side and see Georg holding bloody rags, ew. I get up, my head still hurting but I ignore it and go to Bills room, I change my clothes and look for Iris, after looking around the entire house, I go to Vale and ask if they knows where Iris is, they reply with "last time I saw her was when I was looking out my window and saw her running towards the forest." I nod then grab my phone and text Iris hoping she had her phone on her at least, I wait a few minutes and end up with nothing. I walk out of vale's room but see bill so I bolt back in. After a while there's still no Iris and Bill left somewhere so I manage to leave without anyone noticing and I look towards the forest Vale said they saw her at. I went into it and called her name. After about an hour and a half later the forest comes to an end and I find a whole bunch of buildings. I continue walking and calling for Iris until I notice someone close behind me, I ignore it and continue. I turn a corner but I meet a dead end so I turn back around but two men block my way. What the fuck? I can't see their faces. One then speaks and says "look at who we have here" he pauses and looks at the other dude then finishes "bill kaulitz's pet" his voice is deep and raspy. My face turns into disgust once he says pet, I say "I'm not his fucking pet" I say with attitude. The second dude speaks, I can't see his face but I can hear his smirk as he says "feisty, aren't ya?" His voice low and flirtatious. They both walk closer causing me to step backwards. My dumb ass falls then I realize, I ask "are you the rival gang, trying to take their pets?" One of them nods and says "yeah that's us" then one of them takes another step towards me, now in front of me but I'm still on the floor from when I tripped. The second dude grabs my arm and gently lifts me up. The first dude comes up and puts a cloth over my mouth and nose. I start to feel slightly lightheaded as they take me to their car. The first dude still holding the cloth over me and the second holding me by my arms so I'm unable to leave and taking me to their car but before we reach it I black out cause of the fucking cloth on my nose.

*Iris's pov*

I wake up and look around to see myself in a fancy room that seems to be a guest room. I sit up and try to process. Right, Kidnapped. I start looking around the room for a way out. Im not gonna even try the door, they aren't gonna leave it unlocked. I meannn. I get up and try to open the door which to my surprise opens. I walk out and look around. I turn a corner and accidentally bump into someone, landing on my ass, I look up at who I bumped into and see the girl who introduced herself as Twila, damn she's fine as fuck. I quickly get up and apologize, I attempt to run back to the room I came from but Twila stops me and says "where do you think you're going? You don't know where anything is." I look at her confused and she grabs my arm and says "here I'll show you around" she then starts leading me somewhere. Why is she being so nice?

*Max's pov*

I wake up in a fancy ass room, I immediately get up and try and attempt to open the door that surprisingly opens, why was that so easy the fuck? I look around and see multiple dudes, a female and Astrid in a huge ass room. Suddenly one of the dudes look towards me and says "look who's awake" causing everyone to look towards me, Astrid jumps up and hurry's towards me then whispers "their so nice dude" then pulls me toward where they were all sitting. They all introduce themselves, help why are they all so fine. There's Twila, Reese, Draven, Elliot and Braylon. They call themselves the Natchnabel gang which doesn't really match or make sense but ok I guess.

*vales pov*

I'm on my phone in my room until bill walks in and asks "where the fuck is max?" so I shrug "how the fuck am I supposed to know" I finally look up and immediately notice two blisters on his neck, I ask "the fuck happened to you?" He looks annoyed then says "taser" I raise my eyebrow and ask "max?" He nods then says "anyways Iris is gone too but both of their phones are here, any idea where they would be?" I shake my head no then he groans and says "I bet it was the fucking Natchnabel gang" I raise my eyebrow again and ask "Natchnebel gang? The fuck kind of name is that?" He shrugs. I sit there judging them by the name before saying "well if they did take max and Iris then can't we just shoot them and be on our way?" He shakes his head no and says "these people are just as powerful and feared as us so it won't be that easy" I look at him blankly then say "all we have to do is take our guns, aim it at them and pull the trigger, easy" he snickers and says "as soon as we take our guns out they will as well therefore everything will go to shit" I nod then he leaves, Fuckkk.

Sorry I've been so absent, my sister was supposed to do Iris's part then got to lazy and I had completely forgotten about this then she told me to just do it so it took forever, again sorry I hate doing that.

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