IV. Shitty eyebrows

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" Your reptile titan is designed specifically as a chameleon and obviously it has a quality of that same animal. Ten meters tongue, it can take a crowd of people, approximately more than fifty with just one swipe. It has spikes, but it can be deactivated when it's not to be necessarily used. During the mission, you're not going to kill them quick, I don't find you as the blood lust type but just in case, it's necessary to store them in the bowel of the titan. Only use it when it's for a last resort situation, though I doubt that would happen. "

" Next, is the tail. Similar qualities of the tongue though the difference is that it is shorter and much more complex to control. You'll train though and also, no spikes. " He paused and clicked a button in his remote, the large hologram T.V. moving on to the next slide.

" This one is what I'm proud of the most—the camouflaging ability. Your brain will be connected to the titan's brain itself, and that's where you'll be able to control the color of the titan. Similar to a chameleon, the layers beneath the outer layer have extraordinary cells that's responsible for the changing of pigment. It will be your brain's duty to manipulate that change. But, where's the fun if it's only the change of colors, right? " He grinned at his work, looking so proud and prideful.

" If your brain has the picture of the place you are currently in, your titan will be able to camouflage in that particular place. It's worked by holograms surrounding the titan. Must I warn you that doing such thing will be hard though. Especially with the complexities of buildings and surroundingsb, you'll have to get well acquainted with all the places you'll be walking through..."

Silence, he's looking through his tablet, before eyes fixated on your. " Which means you have to train together with your stealth for the use of it. "

" Okay...but do I have to use it the whole time? "

" Of course not, only when it's necessary. Like a surprise attack or something. Your main mission is to capture as much as people as you can, and kill them with the machine inside the titan upon my orders. So, during the major attack, your heart will be the only one connected to the titan, not your brain."

" And also, your titan will only have the one to have multiple cameras to see the full view of your surroundings. "

" Why is that? "

" Because I want your titan to be as similar as a chameleon, [Name]. " His words, were uttered as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. And it really was. Steps were calculated, as he walked down the few stairs of the stage. The table was a thick line that separated you from him and yet, he leaned in, whispered into your ear. Why only my titan? Was the right question. And he seemed to catch on with that very well.

" Feel special, [Name]. Your titan is one of the best e creation that I've made. Just for you. Only you. "

As if his words could reassure you.

You've got four people inside the bowel of your titan, and from there, from the view you were getting in your camera, they were trying their best to avoid the sharp edges the stomach have. You weren't trying to murder them by any means. You reassured through the microphone you have extending to the speakers inside that it was just for some reason, the killing spikes—the spikes that were responsible for the death of millions of people—you couldn't remove them. The button that was supposed to back them up from the skin wasn't working no matter how many times you pounded your finger against the button.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 02 ⏰

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