Once lived a girl Samantha, she had many friends. Then also she used to be sad because she had never been a scholar, and to be that she need to bring 95%, which is very hard to bring. From 1st class, she is trying to be one, but couldn't and now she is in 7th class. She was just going to lose hope, but her friends were there. And they helped her and boosted her confidence and hope. She worked very hard. She stopped wasting her time in playing and in procrastination. She not even been absent for a day. She studied 6 hour a day and finally her hard work paid off. She became a scholar and became famous in whole school with the name 'achiever' means, 'who sets best goals'. She became very famous and everyone complements her.But then everyone started talking about that Samantha is an alien. Everyone stopped talking to her, sitting with her etc. not even any teacher talks it. She became very sad and told everything to her parents and they complained it to the principal of the school. Then a large meeting happened. During meeting, first they called the child, who said first that Samantha is an alien. Principal asked him if he had any evidence. He said, 'yes, I saw her moving a paper with a scale'. Samantha replied,' that was a science experiment'. Than the child said,' i had a suspicion and then. One day, I followed her when her class teacher had sent her to library for some work , and when you entered and I looked in library , no one was there. She replied,' that day, my handkerchief had fell down, behind the gate, so I had gone to pick it up, so maybe that's why you didn't saw me'. Then the child said stammeringly,' Th...The...then, if anyone is not able to be a scholar from many classes then how now'. Then the principal suspended that child for 1 month. And if everything became fine, actually, more than fine, as Samantha became popular in whole India and many people wants to take her autograph and selfie with her.
Story Book | Short Stories
Short StoryThis is book of stories which are written in simple words so that people of all ages can read them. these are specially made for kids. age: 13-18. All the stories are full of imagination. Enjoy reading them. I request readers to please read them.