'take a picture it'll last longer'

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Lillys POV

Eden brought me to the office and I looked at my schedule we had the same classes except for music. We went to our first class, English. I knew this was going to be an easy class for me since I lived in America for my life so I put it in my schedule as free time. The seats were assigned I was at the very back next to a dude named San? And Eden was next to a guy named Yeosang? So I sat down and scrolled on my Pinterest. I wasn't even trying to be discreet. 

Then someone sat next to me I looked up and was met with a very attractive face, black hair, angler face, dark eyes, full lips, perfect build I was starstruck. While I was looking at him he chuckled and said, "take a picture it'll last longer" he looked so smug so I decided I wasn't going to blush I wasn't going to look away, so I went to my camera app on my phone and took a picture of him and then looked at it instead of him. 

He was shocked, his smug expression was ruined by my boldness. He just sat there staring at my face as I looked at his in the picture I took. Even after the lesson when I stood up he didn't so I pulled out my phone and clicked another picture smirking and then smoothly walked away. 


When I walked into the English classroom I saw assigned seats and internally groaned while I walked to my seat I saw a girl in the seat next to me. 

When I sat down she looked at me and was clearly checking me out so I said my line that sent girls into a flustered state, "take a picture it'll last longer" But she didn't blush or look away or deny she instead grabbed her phone and took a photo and looked at it instead of my face! 

I was shocked I didn't even listen to the teacher when she sat up I looked at her and, SHE TOOK ANOTHER PHOTO OF ME! I couldn't get up until my buddy Yeosang shook me, "dude why haven't you gotten up I saw the new girl sitting next to her how fast did she blush?" "She didn't, she never blushed or looked away, or denied looking at me." "SHE LOOKED AT YOU AND DIDNT BLUSH!" Yeosang screamed at my face, "chill yea she was looking at me so I said, 'take a picture it'll last longer, but then she actually took a picture, twice!" Yeosang was shocked. So he just grabbed my arm and brought me to the cafeteria.

A/N i love the idea of take a picture it'll last longer I hate when the main character is shy and useless I want her to fight back.

'take a picture it'll last longer' SanxreaderWhere stories live. Discover now