chapter 1: praise the lamb

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As I step out beyond the rail road leading to my home, a new follower awaits indoctrination. We always welcome them warmly as for them to not raise suspicion. Although it was going smoothly, father came to me with a request.

Baeisht- Мое дитя, I have a request for you.

Nitro- what is it father?

Baeisht- I see that you have welcomed new members, but I would like you to head off on a crusade to round up more. If you would like?

Nitro- I don't mind at all father, I'll go prepare now.

Owell- good luck brother!

Phena- safe travels.

And with that I head off. The woods beyond our sanctuary were thick and dark, much like most of the forests here in Russia. As I continued through the woods night started to fall upon the dark woods. as I press on, I come across a summoning circle of sorts?

Nitro- what's this all about?

It had Russian writing on it, so it was easy to translate.

"Хвалите агнца, ибо он обладает силой победить четырех епископов».

Nitro- praise the lamb, for the power it holds to defeat the four bishops?

Lamb. . . Power. . . Four bishops? What does this me-

Just then I was ambushed. Hooded figures jumped out and grabbed me, but that's all I can remember. . .

Once I wake up, I'm bound by chains and dressed in white and my mask was removed. The hooded figures approach once more, and pull at my chains.

Nitro- h-hey! What's going on!? Stop! Answer m- ah rgh!!

One of the hooded figures places a dagger to my throat.

???- silence! We do not wish to hear you!

???- a heretic such as you will be delt with later!

Me? A heretic? What's going on!?

I can't speak anymore, because once we arrived to the site I saw four giant hooded figures standing in front of me, wearing crowns with brightly colored eyes that looked like jewels. One green, one yellow, one blue, and one purple.

One of them woar a bandage around there eyes, they had long green hair that was braided and had twigs and leaves all in it, they woar the green crown.

The second one was a bit taller, they had a bandage around their neck, sharp claws peaked out of their robe, four eyes, they had a long ponytail that looked tangled and madded with twigs and leaves in it, they woar the yellow crown.

The third one stood slumped downward with their hands gripping at their robe, they had bandages on their ears, their hair covered their face and looked uneven, they woar the blue crown.

And the forth was different from the others. They had a bandage around there head, long silky hair, they had four eyes, sharp fangs, and a piercing gaze, they woar the purple crown.

???- before us stands the last of its kind. All others we have hunted down and put to the blade.

???- w-with this final sacrifice, t-the prophesy will be impossible to fulfill.

???- the heretic that lies bound below will be condemned to eternal captivity!

???- . . . And the old faith shall be preserved. . .

I'm forced to my knees as the executioner swings their axe, and then. . . .


my heart grew cold, my breath became shallow, and my vision faded, however I awoke to a bright place. A white space of some sort, and at the end of the walkway stood two small creatures and in the middle stood one giant black cat, bound by chains as well. It too boar a crown on its head, the red crown. As I approach him. He spoke.

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