Chapter 16 Capture I

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Things are going to get intense this chapter. Enjoy!

She's been planning their wedding day for the longest time. Ever since she met him all those years ago. He was the only guy for her, she knew it, she knew it when her friend said she never thought about it.

Ash. Ash was the one for her. He was brave, nice, funny, and sexy as hell. She needed him in her life, but… but he was with another girl? Impossible! He loved her, not this blonde skank.

They were going to get married and live happily ever after. But he was with another… it must be some sort of mistake. Yes, Ash must have made a mistake. Then there is nothing to worry about, she would make him remember, no matter what it took.

At the ketchum house, Ash and Serena were making out a little on the couch.

"I love just being alone with you" Serena said.

"Yeah" Ash said. "This is the easy life".

"No worries, no stress, just us and our love" Serena said.

"I love it when you talk all happily like that" Ash said pulling her in for another kiss.

She was now in her car, she was gonna make him remember, she would make him remember today. The longer Ash was with that, that poisonous girl, the more he thought he actually had feelings for that girl. It was funny really, Ash being in love with anyone else other than her.

She loved Ash, and they would seal that love by getting married, having kids, and dying old together. She had her 'special room' set up back at home. First she'd make Ash go to sleep, then she'd bring him home with her, then with a little teaching and patience, they would finally be together forever.

"Do you really have to leave"? Ash asked Serena.

"Yes, I told you I'm sorry but I made these plans a long time ago and I can't break them now" Serena said.

"Ok" Ash said in defeat.

"Lool" Serena said. "Once I get back we can fool around a little more" she said before kissing Ash on the check.

"Sounds fair to me" Ash said. "But, I'm holding you to that".

"I wouldn't have it any other way" Serena said walking out the door.

Her car was parked and see was behind this tree. She was looking over at the Ketchum household and watched in anger as Serena left.

"Good" she said. "Blondie is gone… this means things will be a lot easier".

She made sure no one was within seeing distance and then ran up to the house.

She peered into the window.

"Aw, he is more handsome then I remembered" she said.

She knocked on the door and Ash got up to answer it. As soon as she saw his face she smiled and her plan went into motion.

"Oh, hi-" Ash said being cut off by the girl spraying a mist in his face.

Ash collapsed and the girl catches him.

"Time to go home" she said dragging his body to the car.

Once they got home she brought Ash to the special room and then phase two of the plan went into action. She removed his clothes except for his underwear even though she was tempted to look, but she stopped herself.

"No" she said. "Good things come to those who wait".

She then dressed Ash in what she had in mind and was ready for phase three once he woke up.

Ash and All the Girls by Darkness7500Where stories live. Discover now