Chapter 5

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My Sunday had been like my Saturday and I had to stay home from school and work on Monday. However, on Tuesday I found myself being dropped off by my brother in his jeep.

"Promise me you will call if you feel sick again," he said with a look of concern on his face.

"I promise I will call," I said back, rolling my eyes at my brother and his overprotectiveness. If he got his way I would always be locked up at home. Ivy met me at the door and waved at my brother eagerly.

"Don't worry, I will take care of her," she said and grabbed my arm. I had texted her the day before about the conversation I had heard between my brother and Koda. It made me wonder what it was that Koda wasn't telling me. Was he interested in someone? Ivy had as usual said that she thought he had a crush on me which I told her was impossible as he only saw me as his little sister. Ivy had been convinced since I met her that Koda liked me. We had stopped talking about it through text without me feeling any wiser about it.

"I will trust her to you then," Adrian said and winked at my best friend who giggled. I watched the exchange and tried not to gag. Seeing my brother flirt with my best friend gave me a weird feeling. It wasn't that I thought they would ever end up together but I never wanted to see it. Even if they did I don't think I would mind, it was just weird.

"Yes sir," Ivy said and gave her most charming smile back to Adrian and I started to pull her away from my brother and his car so we could go to class.
"We are leaving," I said, a bit more grumpy than I intended. Ivy looked at me with a smile before she waved to my brother who waved back and left for work.

"So," Ivy said as soon as my brother's car was out of eyesight. "Have you thought anything more about the conversation?"

"Yeah, I think about it way too much," I said with a sigh. "Today at breakfast I couldn't even look at Koda."

Ivy looked me over with a known smile and turned to go to our class, flicking her red hair in the process.

"Why not?" She asked me back like it was no big deal that the two most important men in my life were keeping a secret from me.

"Well for starters my best friend seem to think Koda is in love with me and once I started to think about it I couldn't look him in the eyes and secondly I don't like it that they keep secrets from me, it makes me mad," I said back in a huff making sure that Ivy knew I did not agree with her on the fact that Koda liked me more than a sister.

"So you have been thinking about it?" She asked and I looked at her, my eyes big.

"Thinking about what?" I was confused. She waved her hand to me as we passed into our classroom and sighed.

"The fact that he might be in love with you," Ivy said as she took her seat behind mine. I stopped in my tracks and looked at her. Of everything I had said, that was what she was stuck on? I stared at her as my brain started working. Had I thought about it? After I had had my conversation with Ivy I had been thinking about it only to dismiss the thought. If Koda had ever felt that way about me I was sure he would have told me and he knew how I felt about him when I was younger. That stopped me in my head again, when I was younger. When did I stop liking Koda that way? I still felt static whenever he touched me and I still wanted to be near him. I looked over at Ivy as she was oblivious to my thoughts. No, I did not like Koda that way. I had Nathan. We were going on a date in a few days. He had texted me yesterday and asked me out officially. I pushed the thoughts of Koda out of my head.

"He is not in love with me," I murmured back to Ivy as class started.


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