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The Next day morning .


I spoke to my wife " I can't accept this marriage Meenakshi , you don't know how much I am suffering by hurting my own daughter , a father always tries to bring the best for his daughter. Since Sriya's birth I always tried to give the best for her , I built a hospital on her name so that she always receive blessings from everyone . I wanna give my daughter's hand to the best person . I can't afford to see my daughter's future with him " .

My wife spoke " but our child loves him , what about that ? She didn't even care for her life to protect him . He could be really genuine orelse our daughter won't accept him and they are married afterall . Who will marry a married girl and treat her with respect ? They will lift the finger on our daughter for being the second one .He apologized to you and we all saw how he cared for her , even if he is rude I think our daughter will definitely change him . Can't you believe in our daughter " .

" Give me hundreds of reasons Meenakshi but I won't change my decision . Sriya is leaving from here . I'm gonna send her and diya to my brother's house . If she stays away from him I'm sure she will forget him and I'll make sure they both get divorced ".

She just left from the room angrily.

I called my brother and told him everything that happened . He assured me that he will take care of everything .

I cut the call and went to sriya .

I spoke " Sriya and Diya pack your bags you are leaving from here . I won't repeat my words if you have any respect for me then pack your bags to leave " .


Diya heard everything whatever her dad spoke she quickly went into her room and said to Sriya akka dad is gonna send us to warangal to babai's ( uncle ) house .

What ! So , that's what dad wanna do ? He want to separate me from him . Sriya exclaimed .

Diya quickly took her phone and messaged ruhaan . " Dad wanna send me and akka to warangal ".

Just then Pratap came in . Diya quickly hided her phone under the pillow .

Pratap told them to pack the bags to leave . Sriya about to say I don't wanna leave but Pratap told in strict tone if you have any respect for me then pack your bags to leave and he left the room .

Sriya spoke " Diya I don't wanna leave to warangal , I don't wanna go there " .

Ruhaan saw and heard everything from camera and speaker he set in the drone .

Diya called ruhaan and put the call on speaker .

Ruhaan spoke " I heard everything diya don't worry just do what your father told you to do " .

Diya spoke " but jiju dad wanna separate you and make your divorce " .

Ruhaan chuckled and said " do you think I will divorce my sweetheart and he can't separate me from my wife " .

" The condition is only that I stay away from her till she recovers and I won't stay in your house . Now he himself sending my wife out from his house  Don't worry I'm gonna take care of everything ".

He spoke to sriya " Love you sweetheart " and he cut the call .

Sriya spoke " so should I pack my bags to leave diya ".

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