A Special Meeting

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Alicia is not thrilled about the situation. It's recess, and her duty as the head prefect of Cyberaya High School is to patrol the school grounds. However, she finds herself in an unexpected location: a dim, ancient, and neglected storage room behind the school hall. The room is cluttered with worn-out school supplies, including chairs, stacks of boxes, and piles of planks in one corner. It's not clear why Ali chose such an unappealing spot for their meeting when a more conventional place like the washroom would have sufficed.

Alicia had anticipated that Ali, with his sly and carefree nature, would discreetly slip out and rendezvous with her in one of the stalls in the girls' washroom. However, upon a bit of clarification, the storage room surprisingly emerged as a secure meeting place. In his explanation, Ali argued that the storage room offered more stealth and freedom, and to Alicia's surprise, his reasoning seemed logical.

"Um... yeah," Ali finally breaks the silence. They had hurriedly made their way here, with Ali leaving the classroom a bit earlier than Alicia. As she scans her surroundings, Alicia senses the tightness in the air, and surprisingly, the atmosphere is soothing. However, the unpleasant smell overwhelms her senses—it's like the odor of decaying grass or moldy something that she despises.

"So, okay. Don't get mad, but I broke the doorknob." At this revelation, she turns around, fixing a glaring stare at her boyfriend, arms folded across her chest.

"Hey, don't shoot me that look! I've got IRIS, so fixing it would be a piece of cake." Ali offers a nervous smile.

"Ugh... Whatever." Alicia rolls her eyes, shakes her head, and walks over to him, maintaining eye contact and still glaring. Ali, blushing, tries to break free from her intense gaze.

Ali's gaze intensifies as he stares at Alicia. Despite the poorly lit room, he discerns the details of her complexion, and the faint scent of her perfume wafts through the air. It's a surprising choice, considering Alicia's usual preference for simple baby cologne. Ever since she started going out with Ali, Alicia has been gradually figuring out which perfumes suit her best.

"S-So..." Ali stammers, feeling the weight of nervousness. A hesitant smile crosses his face, and the warmth in the room prompts a slight sheen of sweat. "You... Wanna kiss?" he shyly proposes. Although Alicia and Ali have shared kisses before, their earlier attempts were less than stellar, both being novices in the art of kissing. Alicia, however, is a quick learner, mastering anything in the blink of an eye. Despite her rapid progress, she must synchronize her pace with Ali, who views kissing as a skill akin to writing the ABCs.

Alicia gently nudges him, guiding him until he leans against an old cupboard. With both hands resting on its edge for support, Ali finds himself in a vulnerable position. Sensing the urgency, Alicia decides to act swiftly. Without a moment's hesitation, the head prefect leans in and plants a soft kiss on Ali's lips. His eyes widen briefly, but he soon reciprocates, closing his eyes to savor the moment.

Their lips engage in a dance, with Alicia effortlessly leading. Despite Ali's attempts to match her movements, he soon surrenders, savoring the tantalizing sensations of Alicia's skilled kisses. Pressing her head forward, Alicia intensifies their kiss, asserting dominance by coaxing Ali to open his mouth. Her tongue swiftly enters, engaging in a playful dance with his. The wet sounds echo in the room as their tongues intertwine.

In the midst of their passionate exchange, Ali's left hand boldly ventures to Alicia's rear, gently caressing it. The head prefect senses his desire for more, but the ticking clock reminds her of the limited time they have during recess—less than 30 minutes, she thinks. Sometimes the clock deceives her, but indulging in too much foreplay risks eating into their precious moments.

Reluctantly breaking the kiss, a string of saliva hangs between them as their eyes lock, both blushing and panting. Ali, bringing his left hand to her right cheek, smirks and sighs, "Wow."

A Special Meeting (Alilicia smut) (18+)Where stories live. Discover now