﹕✩⭒・Ghost Of You : Part I﹒𓆩✦𓆪﹒

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Y/N's finger hovers over Kai's contact on her phone as she contemplates whether she should call him and make amends or let it be because it could give him the wrong idea. She feels guilty for shouting and, low-key, insulting him 2 days ago in front of her office. The guilt has been slowly chewing away her sanity and ethics, and she is this close to just not caring if Kai misunderstands and calling him to apologize for her harsh treatment.

Why did you have to do that Kai?

She puts her phone down and sinks into her chair, thinking of another way to get updates on Kai. She doesn't want him to be sad or in a gloomy mood because of the woman he likes. Just then, an idea clicks into her mind and she, quickly, grabs her telephone and rings the number she knows would do the job.

"Anneonghaseo, Manager Y/N."

A voice rings through the telecom and into Y/N's ears.

"Hello, Manager Jisoo. I was calling to get updates on the Tubatu members. Is everyone alright and doing fine?" Y/N says into the phone, silently, praying she can get the info she wants.

"Ah~ they're fine. They're all taking a break right now since they have been practising for a while and then they'll shoot the Tiktoks with the artists coming over later for SGR and BFM. Needless to say, they're packed. Why do you ask? You never wanted updates."

"Mhm. Well, I do now," Y/N says, sharply, out of habit. "But thank you for the updates. Please take care of them and make sure they eat properly, especially..." She trails off, not wanting to do any 'favouritism'. "... everyone. Staffs included. I'll hang up now." Y/N hangs up as soon as she hears Jisoo say 'ok' and 'goodbye' quietly, sighing in relief.

He's fine then, right?

"You got carried away, didn't you, hyung?" Jisoo jumps when he feels one of his colleagues breathe near his ear.

"Goodness Gracious! You scared me, Soojin!" He exclaims as Soojin looks at him with curious eyes. "And what do you mean?" He says, making Soojin's lips stretch in a full-blown smirk.

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