Wicked AND Popular

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Dancing through life, down at the Stardust, if only because dust is what we come to! And the strange thing, your life could end up changing while you're dancing through!

Whirling, twirling, and getting way more into it than she thought she would, Weronika was... actually smiling! There were rainbow disco lights above as the dancefloor thrummed rhythmically below, music surrounding her on all sides, dancing with her. Neo was onstage singing, Sophia DJing behind her, and Elsie sat sipping champagne from a nearby table.

This was just a practice session for Abyssmare, Sho wishing for them to prove their worth before they tried their hands at overseas work. But Weronika was still having the time of her life, even though Abyssmare was just a side-show act tonight. She was grinning from ear to ear when her dark red gaze happened to meet Elsie's amber one.


Hours later, "Seperack. Your... presentation tonight was... adequate."

"Adequate?! At least I was practicing somethin'!" Weronika poked her chest with her thumb angrily. "Meanwhile, you were off to the side lazily sipping champagne out of your dainty little glass!" Weronika pantomimed the action with exaggerated affect.

"I was observing you!" Elsie sniffed. "Now that we're unit-mates, I've decided to make you my new project!" Abyssmare is a unit of villains, yes, but we are sophisticated! Not thugs and heathens. We are wicked AND popular! I know that Neo and Sho can pave my road to greatness, and nobody in all the world—no wild Weronika that there is or was—is ever gonna bring ME down!

"You... really don't have to do that..." Weronika deadpanned. Where to even begin with that one?

"I know! That's what makes me so nice!" Elsie bragged sweetly.

Weronika snorted, scoffed, and shook her head. "Why don't you tackle Sophia first? She could use it more than me!"

"Ah, ah, ah! Not so! Not so!" Elsie sing-songed, waggling a finger and smirking. As... socially inept as their DJ was, at least she had a "Cool" persona. And, she does whatever Neo does! I needn't train her, for Neo already has her perfectly obedient! Weronika, on the other hand? She is obnoxious. Her "cool persona" is aggressive rather than aloof, and that is the problem.

The two girls sat on their respective beds in their half of the hotel suite, Sophia and Neo on the other side of the bathroom that connected the two bedrooms. Elsie hopped up from her bed and raced over to Weronika's.

"What the-?!" Weronika grunted under her breath as Elsie bounced onto her bed. Now they were only inches apart. Oh, God, she's drunk, isn't she? Just how much champagne did she drink?! She's underage! Then again, I guess it wouldn't take much, and rules never stopped her anyway...

"Whenever I see someone less fortunate than I—and let's face it, who isn't less fortunate than I?" Elsie asked, still sickly sweet.

Was this just an excuse to roast my ass? Even drunk, she throws shade at "the poors"...

"My tender heart tends to start to bleed!" Elsie clutched her chest and affected a dramatic expression. Weronika snorted yet again, but just like before, Elsie seemed not to hear. "And when someone needs a makeover, I simply HAVE to take over!" Her fingers twitched into claws as if she wanted to wring someone's neck, and Weronika nearly launched herself off the side of the bed at the same time in shock and alarm.


"I know! I know!" Elsie held up her hands, expression calm and wise once more as her eyes drifted shut. "Exactly what they need..."

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