What is This Feeling?

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Mio caro papà,

Cześć tata,

Two girls as different as fire and ice messaged their fathers. Even the style was different. While Elsie wrote with an elegant font, Weronika chose something basic, and threw in a few emojis for good measure. As different as they were, though, the contents of their messages were eerily similar...

There's been some confusion over working here with Sho... More similarities and differences, they were both aspiring musicians who'd taken up with the mysterious talent scout, yet neither one could understand what he saw in the other.

But of course, I'll do it for my siblings. Weronika promised.

But of course, I'll rise above it! Elsie raised her chin. Weronika would not break her! This was but a chance to prove herself worthy of her father!

For I know that's how you'd want me to respond, yes! But still... There's been some confusion that you really ought to know...

For you see my bandmate is... an uneducated, unrefined, unrestrained, untrained individual who lacks accountability, civility, common sense, decorum, politeness, propriety, respect, responsibility, sense, sensibility, and social awareness! She is a scoundrel, savage! Heathen! Hedonistic in the worst way! It is painfully obvious she is of very poor breeding and very basic ilk, hardly a penny to her Polish name! I've no doubt her family came here to escape some great plight while WE Largos were practically BEGGED to set up a base in America!

P.S. Her vibes are ATROCIOUS and hideodious!

-Con amore, il tuo cuoricino, Elsie Largo

Weronika's description of Elsie was far more concise.


What was this feeling, so sudden and new? It started the moment glances were shared between the two.

My pulse is rushing! Elsie thought, embarrassed as her pale, dainty cheeks were dusted with a light, strawberry pink.

My head is reeling! Weronika rested a hand on her aching head. That was what being around Elsie did to you!

What was this feeling? It was fervid as a flame, stoked and egged on to new heights any time the two girls were in the same vicinity. And as unit-mates of the same DJ group... Even now they were supposed to be rehearsing for Sho, but instead, they were obsessing over each other. They couldn't stop thinking or talking about one another, getting so emotional that the symptoms became physical. And yet, neither girl knew what to call this odd infatuation. Or perhaps their minds were too clouded with each other to think clearly. (Here was a clue: it started with an "L") Yes...

Loathing! Unadulterated loathing!

"For your face!" Elsie snarked. She's always scowling and frowning! She will have such hideous wrinkles when she ages! And she is so unclean that I am certain her skin is in very poor health as well! To put concisely, Weronika had a dog-ugly face.

"Your voice!" Weronika shot back with a low, grumbling snort. God, that nasally, high-pitched—! More than once had Weronika mocked Elsie for it.

("Weronika, it simply isn't done!"

"wErOnIkA! iT sImPlY iSn'T dOnE!")

"Your clothing!" Elsie continued to fire back. Her style is SO garish, tacky, and try-hard! She ran around in leather jackets, silver chains, ripped jeans, and Maverick shirts like some kind of delinquent degenerate (or degenerate delinquent!) Abyssmare was a unit of villains, Elsie would always say, but they weren't supposed to look like hoodlum hooligans! (Or hooligan hoodlums.)

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