Chapter 2

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The train has foods of all sorts. Cristal lights, gold door nobs, silk furniture, It had every thing you could think of. We met our mentor Haymitch. He was drunk as normal but still gave us great advice Like finding shelter and well surviving. All the tributes  train at the training center in the capitol. I practice shooting with the bow. I am pretty good at it. I learned to fist fight, start fires, throw knifes, and clime stuff.  The hovercraft transports us to the arena. We get a tracker put in are arm so the game makers  know were we are in the arena. We are put on pedi-stools  and then the count down starts. I see a bow and about 24 arrows in the eye of the cornucopia. I am one of the youngest ones here so I don't know if I can beat the others who want the bow. Some people might not want anything or just not want the bow. I decide I am going to try to get the bow.   10, 9, 8, 7, 6 , 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 let the games begin.

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