Chapter 26: Now He's Back, the Mystery in the Mystery Shack

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Stood before them was the man from the portal, livid and enraged. Despite his gray beard blocking his mouth, Y/n was pretty sure that he was deeply frowning. But it was no mistaking that he was the real Stanford Pines.

The other Stanford, however, wore an opposite expression to him, relieved and slightly chipper. "Finally, after all those years of waiting, you're actually here!" Stan exclaimed, close to tears. He walked closer to him, his arms already outstretched for an embrace. "Brother!"

But the reunion wasn't all that he had hoped. There weren't any comforting hugs or tearful laughter. No thank you's or apologies were exchanged like Stan had dreamed.

Instead, he was given a punch in the face.

Ford clenched his fist tightly, all of his pent up anger, regret, and resentment were finally resurfacing after 30 years. He will never forget the reason why he was sucked inside the portal in the first place. Stan was screaming in pain, holding his aching cheek. "Ow! Wow, someone sure hasn't changed."

"Neither have you," Ford replied just as gravely. Blinded by rage, he yelled at Stan. "This was an insanely risky move, restarting the portal!" There was a slight desperation in his tone. "Didn't you read my warnings?!"

Stan waved a dismissive hand. "Eh, warnings, schmarnings." He placed his hands on his hips as he scoffed. "Ever heard of a thank you? Y/n and I worked hard to save you from what appears to be, I don't know, some kind of "Beard Dimension"?"

"Y/n?" His voice faltered. His brows were furrowed as he stepped forward. "Did you say... Y/n?" He craned his neck to be able to hear clearly.

Stan paused, recoiling at his brother's sudden change in tone. He gestured to the left and Ford followed, his eyes landing on what he expected would be a somewhat grown Y/n, a young woman, but he immediately saw her familiar face, looking at him with an unreadable expression.

"Y/n," Ford breathed, and for the first time, he felt solace. Albeit confusion took place in his mind, disbelief was also present, questions sprouting. She stayed? After all these years?

He walked towards her, and the three 'outsiders' cleared the path for him. Ford kneeled down to her height, and she shied away, avoiding his gaze. "Hi," she breathed, fiddling with her fingers.

"Y/n, you've..." he would've said 'you've changed' or 'you've grown', but none of them really applied to her at the moment. Instead, he said, "You're here."

"You came back," she gasped, her hands resting on her sides. Her gaze lingered on him, taking note of the changes in his appearance. His hair was in disarray (when was it not?), his glasses were crooked and cracked, and his beard was unkempt. His eyes looked tired and slightly bloodshot, but a sense of joy filled her as she noticed the corners of his eyes crinkling when he saw her.

But there were so many questions kept unanswered.

Someone clearing their throat loudly cut off their reunion, and they turned to see the sweater-wearing girl with her hand up. He wasn't aware until now that there were children with them, along with somewhat of a hairless gopher. "Uh, hi? Yeah. Quick question; what the heck is going on here?!"

Ford stood back up and Stan joined his side, still irritated. The secret is out now. "Here we go: kids, meet my twin brother," he said and on cue, they both adjusted their glasses in unison.

Mabel and Dipper's jaws hung open. "Twin brother?!" He's had a twin brother all along?

Stan continued, gesturing to the kids. "Ford, say hello to Shermie's grandkids." Meanwhile, Ford was baffled at the information. He had a niece and nephew?

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