The Stone Rabbit

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Aiden was on one of the walks he took every week. This time he planned on using a different path then he would do ever. As he walked he noticed how eerie this place became, what once was a friendly, welcoming feeling. Was now a cold, locked away feeling. Not to mention the new feeling as if he wasn't alone anymore, and not the good 'Omg I'm no longer lonely' the creepy being followed way. He turned searching for where this thing he didn't know what it was. Suddenly he could hear whispers that grew louder and louder. The whispered stopped the moment he saw the taller object. It was a statue of an interesting creature. It wasn't human, but wasn't quite animal either. It's expression was one of betrayal and distress. "Odd." Aiden muttered softly as he reached to the statue. A spark hit his hand and he flew back.

His back hit a tree. He slowly and weakly pulled himself upwards."youch." Aiden grumbled looking up at the now hovering being. Blue hair slightly floating upwards. His expression was anger, confusion, and fear now. Aiden didn't get a good feeling and ran off into an abandoned building.

He heard footsteps behind him when he met a dead end. "You know it's not a smart thing to run into an abandoned building." A voice said echoing. The voice was loud. Aiden backed into the wall as the being grabbed his shoulders. Aiden blacked out.

Soon he woke up in his bed. His back hurt. That all felt real. So he decided to not believe it was fake as he saw a stand of blue hair on his shirt.

"That wasn't a dream." Aiden muttered. He sat up grabbed the hair and looked around. He sighed. "Okay weirdo. Come out." He said while stretching. "I know you're here." He said as he closed his eyes. He then felt pressure in front of him, he could feel the thing staring at him. Aiden opened his eyes. "Hello there." He made eye contact. "Let's have a proper introduction." Aiden suggested as he stuck his hand out. The Blue haired rabbit guy grabbed his hand and shook it. "Xavier." He said. "Aiden." Aiden replied and smiled. "How did you awaken me." Xavier said while gripping onto Aidens hand now. "Uhmmm.. I don't know-" Aiden said, now trying to pull his hand away. "Now we're stuck together." Xavier wasn't letting go. "Look it was an accident. We can try and figure out how to get rid of whatever it is that's holding us together."

Xavier groaned and let go of Aidens hand. He sighed and nodded. "I suppose we should do that." Xavier muttered. Aiden smiled. "Let's try to get along then." Aiden said, now trying to be friendly. "No way in hell I'm doing that." Xavier glared. "Then this will be your hell Xavier." Aiden chuckled. "But anyways, I'm sure we'll get along eventually. You're.. interesting! I think I could get used to you." Aiden said while patting Xavier's head. Xavier's ears went back as he made a snarl. "Quit that." Xavier swatted Aidens hand and Aidens hand retracted away. "Yes sir!" Aiden said in a unserious tone.

"I hate you." Xavier said finally.
"Like you too friend!" Aiden smiled.

The next day Aiden went to school, Xavier followed him. Aiden noticed no one else could see Xavier. Which made his anxiety about this situation disappear. Unfortunately throughout the day Xavier bothered and teased Aiden. Which made him get in trouble and sent to the principals office.

"Aiden Alexander Jones.. you're normally a good kid. But something seems to be bothering you! What is it?" The principal asked while searching her files. Aiden awkwardly sat in the chair in front of her desk. "Just stressed I suppose..?" Aiden said. "You don't sound certain." She remarked and started to look skeptical about Aiden. "Are you on drugs?"
"WHAT? NO!" Aiden practically yelled. "Okay-" The principal sighed. Xavier started cracking up. "SHUT IT YOU." Aiden screamed. The principal raised her hand. "AIDEN! QUIT YOUR YELLING." She said as she took a breath while Aiden grew silent. "Look, I'll let you off with a warning. If anymore of this happens I'll give you detention." She said.
That's bullshit. Aiden thought to himself but nodded. He left her office after a while. The bell rung and he went to his locker. Shorter kid, with glasses and a beanie approached the locker beside Aiden. "Oh, hey Danny-" Aiden said greeting the boy. "Hello, Aiden." Danny opened his locker. "Let me guess.. Managed to get in trouble?" Danny looked at Aiden. Aiden looked away and nodded. "What was it this time?" Danny asked. "It's nothing just stress." Aiden said.

Danny shrugged. "Okay then. Take breaks Yaknow." Danny said while shutting his locker. "Yeah yeah.. now what about you? How's things with your dad?" Aiden asked. Danny's mood switched to be a harsh and cold one. "We had a fight. He doesn't understand how to be a father." Danny glared down. "I'm sure he's trying as best as he can to take care of you. And keep you safe from.. Yaknow." Aiden said while trailing off. "His job." Danny said. Aiden nodded. "It's whatever. I'll see you later Aiden." Danny said while walking away.

After many classes the day was over. Everyone went home. Except for Danny. Aiden saw Danny open his locker, and a secret room was revealed. Aiden walked away quickly to not be seen by Danny. The moon shined its light down on the city. Aiden went to bed and Xavier watched him.

Goodnight, Aiden.

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