Entrance Exam! (Chapter 1)

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Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto or MHA in the matter.

Speech Rules:

"Talking": Human speech

"Talking": Human Thought

"Talking": Naruto Nine Tail Speech

"[Talking]": Name of attack


Chapter 1: Entrance Exam!

It's been a few more months since the sludge villain incident that took place. Naruto, Daewi and Mira had made it on the news for a few more weeks and they were apparently viewed as some superstar by their other classmates in their school for doing what the heroes couldn't do.

Apparently, the heroes on the scene beside Death Arm had given them very favorable comments when they were interviewed by the media. This did help them in an unexpected way since even UA had personally wanted them to join the hero course.

It was the equivalent of receiving a scholarship to your favorite university but this is more like a recommendation letter. While both Daewi and Mira had still remained firm in their stance, they still decided to join the Business course at UA High.

The difference between a normal business course and the one at UA is that the latter mostly delve in the hero side of business. From founding and even managing hero agencies to executive producing heroes. They even do some hands-on lessons in venture capitalism.

Since Naruto is more of a martial artist and knows how to fight hand-to-hand and even use swordsmanship, if they were to found an agency together with Naruto at the center of it all, their business will boom and be successful so the three friends decided to work together.

The more Naruto grows in popularity, the more their business will also grow. So in conclusion, the three of them are helping each other rise to the top. It was a goal that even Q-sensei had found to be far noble and had even kept encouraging them to go through it.

Naruto still decided to take the regular exams and not the recommendation letter in order to prove himself. UA accepted his request and are eager to have him in their hero course.

"Good morning!" Naruto spoke as he walked down the stairs. His family was pretty loaded so they lived in a two-story mansion. Given who they are, their mansion was built with the purpose of fitting all three of them comfortably but without any unnecessary spaces.

One can even say they were more on the minimalist side. They didn't really go around buying anything that would end up collecting dust on the shelf. So the mansion was far more modest for a family that could easily afford to buy a far larger property.

"Good morning, son." Minato greeted back with a smile as he raised his cup of coffee he was holding in his hand which he was drinking. He had then shifted to look at the newspaper that is covering All Might joining the staff at UA High which many seem to be excited about.

Naruto's eye darted towards the clock hanging on the wall and he noted that he was still rather early so he had time. Kushina with a smile placed breakfast on his table which caused Naruto to smile as he received a kiss on the side of his head.

"Good morning, son. You should start eating, today is your entrance exam so we can't have you late since the staff there must be holding expectations for you." Kushina said with a pleasant smile on her face.

"Yeah, my bad." Naruto said, chuckling nervously as he rubbed the back of his head. He remembered how worried his mom was when he returned back after the sludge incident. His dad did calm his mom down and talked her out of the panic she was in.

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