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I took the deep and sharp cold air deep into my lungs making fog form my mouth as I let out a breath. I looked over my shoulder, looking back at the light yellow house with white ends, a house filled with terror I thought as I looked down onto my shaking hands.

I saw his big figure looking at me from a window as a woman's figure wrapped around him.
It pained me to see my mother take my stepfathers side. If she only would see what he do to me, but how could she? I never showed her the bruises, the marks of his strong hands pushing me down, holding me in a strong grip, she only saw our fights and heard the yelling.

I heard the sounds of stones on the side walk crunching under my sneakers as I took small but quick steps, feeling his burning eyes in my neck the whole way until I rounded a corner, feeling relief.

I took up my small phone, 23:05.
I sighed, i didn't want to go home but I knew I would eventually, I always did, I always came back to his grip that had dugged so deep into my flesh and skin so that I always felt him where ever I was.

I didn't see where I was going until I felt how I lost my balance and how I heard food land on the ground in front of me, letting out a squeaky sound form the pain.

My eyes got wide as I saw the destroyed food that layd all smudged together on the ground making me forget the pain that ached on my knee.

" I'm so sorry" I said and began to try to save what could be saved when a hand reached out for me.

I just looked at it for a second before I took it and the person helped me up.

" are you okay?" A English/German voice said as I brushed of my jeans after being on the ground.

I looked up at the man not paying much attention to his looks as I just felt embarrassed " yes I'm okay but im so so so sorry, I will buy you new food" I talked quickly making him let out a chuckle making me glance at him quickly.

He was tall, black braids and a black thing on his forehead and a black piercing on the side of his under lip and had dark eyes that had a glimpse of something bad in them

" I'm sorry-" we booth said

" jinx" I let out with out thinking making the guy look at me with raised brows as I mentally slapped myself and shut my eyes.

" Tom? What are you doing, come on" a guy with big black hair shouted from a bit behind the man that seems to be called Tom.

He turned his head " one moment" he shouted back with an frustrated voice and then Returned to me.

" so your name is Tom?"

"Yea so what's yours?"

"Lilah" I noddedmy head slowly.

" a pleasure to meet you..Lilah" he said with his dark eyes stuck at me and a dark voice before he looked back at the guy who once again shouted at Tom.

" we are gonna leave with out you" he sounded a bit annoyed

"You should probably go, I don't want to make your friends mad" I smiled and he looked at the guy and then at me " your properly right" he began to back away when he stopped and just looked at me.

" hey, what would you say if you came with us? If you don't have somewhere to be right now" he looked at me with a soft smirk

I looked at him unsure and then down at my clothes. I knew how mad my mother and stepfather would get but, I couldn't go back yet.

" you a stranger isn't that the number one thing you learn when you are a kid, stranger danger" I smile making him crack into a smile

" yes your right, I'm Tom kaulitz" he reached  Out his hand for me to shake making me let out a soft giggle " now we aren't strangers anymore" he looked at me.

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