ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟙𝟝: ℍ𝕠𝕨 𝕥𝕣𝕦𝕖 𝕚𝕤 𝕪𝕠𝕦𝕣 𝕞𝕖𝕞𝕠𝕣𝕪?

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UK has been doing well with USSR ever since he arrived with him. The unfortunate thing is that he completely forgot about everyone. No memory of a father, children, a wife or leader. Luckily, USSR would try to help UK with speaking and walking. Those were key. UK was a little child around USSR. Trusting him like a parent. A little bit too much, like a parent. He would be fed, cleaned and changed most of the time that at this point, UK believed USSR was his father. 

UK and USSR were sitting in the living room together watching a small program. "UK? Would you like to go out today?" USSR asked softly. "Yes papa!" UK cheered with joy. USSR was a little taken back at the word: Papa. "P-Papa? I'm not your papa, UK. I'm just looking after you," USSR said concerningly. "Your not Papa? Hmmm, are you Dada?" UK asked confused. "W-What?!" USSR's eye became swirly with confusion. A country completely different called him PAPA!? "Park! Park!" UK chanted excitedly. "Uh.. Alright. Park it is then. Let's go wear our things now," USSR murmured. He helped UK off the couch and placed him onto the floor. He slipped on UK's boots and coat and did the same with his. "Okay.. You ready?" USSR asked. "Yes papa!"

Papa.. That word scarred USSR. His own children wouldn't call him papa. Not even Dad! Only when they were younger they would call him Papa. This really wasn't what he intended to be. At all. USSR shakily picked up UK. UK didn't know anything about the current problems, so he was giggling and laughing at USSR. USSR just gave an unsure smile as he stepped out of the building later on. The two passed by the many people who pondered to do their own things in the beautiful morning. Alas, they arrived to the park. It wasn't as dense as most areas but still you could get lost if you don't know your directions.

The two went into an area where no person would enter due to its high density and bugs but USSR knew that at the end, they would arrive to the highest point where the view is outstanding. The larger held UK tightly as he snapped branches, kicked a few rocks and hit any mosquitoes. Alas, the sun came into view as they reached to the top of the hill. UK wriggled himself off of USSR, having an imbalance with his walking. He giggled as he pointed to the hundreds of buildings that were in view. The Shard, a large pointy building. The Sky Garden, inside of an egg shaped building, just beside the Shard. Finally, the London Eye. A large rotating machine that was set to put in view of the River Thames. 

USSR just couldn't focus on any of the view. His mind still perplexed by the words and actions of UK. A sudden snap in his thoughts came by as someone called the pair. A frantic man came tumbling upwards towards the two countries holding two letters. "Hey! Hey! I need to give you these letters! Only for countries!" The man called out. USSR took the letters into his hands and looked thoroughly. They didn't seem fake. "What are these for?" he asked. "Why for the best dancer performance! France! She has an amazing talent at ballet that every country ought to see!" The man exclaimed happily at the statement. USSR froze.

"F-France?!" He murmured worriedly. Suddenly, his expression furrowed. The man was long gone so there was no way he could fight it anymore. France shouldn't be up there, UK should! How dare she steal the only shot from UK to become the best ballet dancer known to man! Thoughts like these rush into his head. Finally, he came to a conclusion. He would have to do the same in order to save UK's future career. He will have to crash France's performance by joining in secretly and say the real truth. No matter the consequences.

UK was playing in a small patch of flowers and looked at USSR. "Papa! Look! I give you flower!" UK squealed in excitement. He crawled over to USSR and handed him a semi-snapped flower. USSR took the flower gently and held UK close to him. "We have to go," he snapped. "Why-?" "NOW UK!" USSR roared, enough to startle the smaller. He quickly got onto his feet and ran away from the scenery as quick as he can. UK was clutching his coat tightly with fear as they ran into branches and twigs which caught onto their hair and wool clothes. USSR wasn't going to let any of this happen. Never will he allow some dumb b*tch excuse of a country steal UK's spot like this. Just never when he is breathing in the unstable grounds of the country.

As soon as they arrived to the flat, USSR kicked their shoes and jackets away and slumped UK onto the sofa. "UK, I need you to work with me right now," UK cocks his head to one side "Do you have any memory of anyone? Just Anyone!" USSR asked in a worried tone. UK thinks for a moment, then shakes his head in confusion. USSR's eyes widen in fear. "N-Not even your son? USA..?" UK shakes his head. USSR's breathing becomes heavier by the minute and his pupils narrow. "No no no no no no..! Y-You haven't lost your memory! I-It needs to be triggered.! Uh, Uh.." He looks around the room for a little bit and finds an empty glass bottle. "Y-You know this right!?" USSR said, practically yelling at UK.

"B-B..Bottle," UK murmured. He ran his long fingers against the edge of the bottle before holding it. "Nice bottle." USSR shakes his head in disbelief. No, no! This was not happening! USSR jumped out of his position and headed towards the phone. He dialled a specific number and waited. Finally, he picked up.


???: Hello?

USSR: I need your f*cking help right now.

???: Oh, it's you. Why would I help you!?

USSR: I-It's really hard to explain! But please!

???: You think that I'll help your little demands? Absolutely no-

USSR: It's UK's memory.

???: ... What. 


???: R-Right.. I'll have to come over then. See you soon.

————[Phone depletes]————-

USSR looked at the curious, childish country.

 "I'll make sure you will remember. We just have to dance."


Words: 1101

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