Chapter 9

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Its been a month since my little Annabella's birth. Mammon been a great dad. He will get up the middle of the night to check on or stop Annabella from crying! This surprised me,Fizz and Asmodeus. We all thought he will be a dead beat dad. We thought wrong.

(Days passed)

I walked around the mansion and couldn't find Annabella. I then heard giggling and fallowed the sound. I then was in shock when I saw Mammon playing plane with Annabella.

"Look at you! Flying!" Mammon said running around holding Annabella in the air. I leaned against the doorway with my arms crossed and smirked.

Annabella giggled as they played plane this lasted for another half hour before Mammon noticed me.

"Oh shit! How long have you been there babe?" He asked nervously chuckling.

"About half hour." I chuckled walking over and taking Annabella from her father. "It's feeding time" I said. This made Annabella giggle.

I walk to a chair and sat down. I then unbuttoned my shirt and bra and Annabella clamped on drinking my breast milk. I heard this was the best way to bond with the child and it worked with me.

Soon she pulled away and I pat her back lightly to help her burp, which she did. I smiled and handed Annabella back to Mammon who took her eagerly. I then button my bra and shirt back up before looking at the two.

Annabella seemed to like her father more then me. Which I didn't mind. This ment he can't be a dead-beat dad.

I got up and left I wanted to do some shopping. Mammon has Annabella so this is a perfect opportunity to shop.

I left the palace and walked to the Hellish Mall. There is saw Blitz arguing with a imp.

"Well well well. If it isn't Blitzo" I said with a smirk and crossing my arms.

"Oh shit! (Y/n)?!" He yelled turning towards me.

"You look alright. How the hell you've been?" He asked.

"Good. Have a kid. She's with her father right now. You?" I asked.

"Good! Hey I have a kid to! Her name is Brittany! She's with her mom though" he said frowning.

"Custody battle?"


"Sorry to hear's my number. If you need anyone to talk. I'm here" I said giving him a piece of paper with my number.

He took it then hugged me. "thanks."

I hugged back. "Anytime. Blitzo"

"The O is Silent" he chuckled.

"So blitz?" I asked.

He nodded. I smiled "alright. Blitz"

He chuckled.

"You should get a hellhound" I said crossing my arms.

"Why?" He asked.

"Looks like you need someone. I'm busy with family so I can't help. Fizz hates you still so he won't. Or make friends" I said crossing my arms.

"Me? Having friends? No! You know how horrible they end" he said shaking his head.

"Don't you consider me a friend?" I asked pouting.

"(Y/n). Your like a sister more then a friend" He sighed.

I smiled "hey I was joking. Beside. We grew up in the circus so we're basically family" I joked.

He chuckled. "Yea. Hey I gotta go. See you later?" He asked.

I nodded and he walked away.

"It was nice seeing you Blitz!" I yelled before walking away.

I totally forgot what I was here for so I decided to head home.

Once I got home I heard silence. This wasn't good. Something isn't right.

I looked around and saw no sign of Annabella and Mammon. I became worried.

Soon I heard snoring from our room.

I peaked in and saw Mammon asleep with Annabella in her crib sleeping.

This made me smile. I took a quick picture and sent it to fizz before I walked over. Joining Mammon into a nice and deep slumber.

(Next Morning)

The next Morning I yawned and opened my eyes to see Mammon still asleep. I smiled and got out of bed. I then walked over to Annabella's crib and saw she was missing. My eyes widen in shock and fear. There was a note.

'Of ya want your disgusting brat back. Do as we want'

Then there was a number to call.

"ANNABELLA!!!!" I screamed in terror jolting Mammon awake. He rushed to my side and saw the note.

"SON OF A BITCH!!!" He yelled getting upset and turning more spider.

Our daughter was kidnapped and she wasn't a month old.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29 ⏰

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