Chapter 1: Downpour

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It is 10 pm at night, the sky above has nothing but clear dark sky, many stars sparkling. The moon is glowing brightly, so much so that it almost gives an excuse not to waste any electricity and money on lights and electronic entertainment devices in Beach City.
The crickets making noises in the empty streets, the Big Doughnut store is obviously closed for the night. As many of the stores are in Beach City. Only the occasional house lights are on outside the coast area. Many families and people preferring to sleep at this time, there are exceptions, however.
You will find the odd person roaming the streets of Beach City, from a small boy with a strange appearance to a group of teenagers practising their instruments peacefully as their music follows the gentle cold breezes across the city.

On the coast, there are lights in the distance, which is part of a wooden house that is built on a lone mountain that has a lighthouse on the very top of an ancient temple. The mountain also has a carved statue of what appears to be a woman of some sorts with one hand raised out to her right. The house is near the stomach of this statue.
On further inspection, seeing through the windows of this house is a home that is almost like any other bungalow home. Except for the strange section when walking through the front door and seeing an odd pad that wouldn't mean much to an average human. However, it does mean something to certain kinds of people who currently live in this house. Going up some stairs is a small boy playing something with a purple looking woman beside him.

Steven Universe is sitting in front of his TV, playing a video game on the GameTube alongside his friend, fellow gem and even family, Amethyst. A pink looking lion is sleeping near the window, totally ignoring their back and forth.
The two of them have their eyes glued to the TV screen, having an intense gaming session playing Super Bash Royale. Steven's fingers mash the buttons yet he does this in a rhythmic fashion for his certain character, performing combos against Amethyst.
Amethyst sticks her tongue out, caught by Steven's combo "Gah! Nice moves Steven! But wait till you get a load of THIS!"

Amethyst also mashes some buttons to perform a spectacular combo in-game "Oh yeah! The Down Bash Special! BOOYAH!"

Steven gasps loudly seeing his favourite character being thrown across the screen, leading to the death and loss of their match "Oh no! Captain Seagull! You fought to the end, forever be my hero!"

The purple woman simply rolls her eyes at her friend's over-exaggeration "Oh come on Steve-O, if you wanna REALLY try again...then I got plenty of rematches in me!"

The boy chuckles softly at his friend's offer for a rematch, how could he possibly pass it up? Grabbing the controller once more, Steven grins widely while selecting another favourite character called Doctor Aria "Oh yeah! This time you're going down! Select Final Termination, we're doing this old style!"

But as soon as they're about to press start, a voice yells from below Steven's room, footsteps climbing the steps "Steven! You know it's time for bed, you two have been playing that thing for almost an hour straight!"

Steven and Amethyst turn their heads to the voice, slowly seeing the individual's head appearing from the edge of the floor, with a pearl on the forehead, pale skin, long arms and legs and a pointy nose, it's none other than Pearl.
Steven sees Pearl stepping towards them with her hands on hips, her foot tapping while giving a stern look at the two. Steven pouts, placing his hands together "Awww! Come on Pearl, just one more game? Pleeeaaase?"

"Yeah Pearl! Let the kiddo have one more game!"

Pearl opens her mouth but bites her lower lip, considering if she should let them have more game together? But she remembers something and shakes her head at them "Sorry Steven, but you promised an hour ago you would come off! And I've been generous for you tonight, you should've been in bed then!"

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