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July 4, 2023

Suddenly there was silence, then several gun shots were heard and Mingi immediately ducked down and crouched on the floor in fear. Not a second later, the door of the house was kicked open...


Everyone in the house froze and looked towards the door. In front of them stood a man with a skull tattoo on his neck. Yunho's eyes widened and he took a step back. The man had a gun in his hand and was grinning.

Slowly, a smile crept onto Hongjoong's lips and he took a step forward, pushing Yunho behind him at the same time. "Well, who do we have here again?" Hongjoong asked in his usual creepy voice. Mingi slowly moved out of his stupor and looked up at Yunho, but didn't dare to stand up.

"Nice to see you again, Tiny,", the stranger laughed. "Do you seriously think you can just break into our house, steal something and there won't be any consequences?" Hongjoong laughed. "Steal something? You kidnapped Yunho, who, in case you've forgotten, is one of us."

The guy took a step towards the others, but Hongjoong immediately pushed in front of him. "One more step and you're dead," he said, gripping his gun tighter than ever. San and Seonghwa stood a little further back, not moving.

The stranger eyed Hongjoong and his provocative grin remained. He wanted to put one foot forward, but Hongjoong didn't hesitate for a second, pulled the trigger and shot. Although he only aimed at the guy's foot, it was enough to make him cry out and fall to the ground.

Full of fear, Mingi got up from his position and Yunho immediately pulled him towards him. Now Hongjoong was smiling again. "A little foretaste," he said. "Now get out of here and tell your fucking boss that he won't get Yunho or any of us. If you keep following us, I'll tell my father and you'll all be dead."

Full of rage, the guy with the tattoo looked up at Hongjoong. He wanted to say something back, but at the same moment one of his own bodyguards ran into the house and Hongjoong shot him dead without blinking.

Shocked, Mingi clung to Yunho. His heart was pounding unhealthy.
"Get out of here!" Hongjoong shouted angrily and the stranger immediately stood up and limped out with a pained face. "You forgot something!" Hongjoong shouted after him. Not a second later, two more men came in and dragged the dead man's body across the floor outside. Hongjoong walked to the door, then slammed it shut.

Silence pervaded the house. Mingi was still shaking and couldn't believe what he had just seen. He knew what everyone had said about Hongjoong, but he would never have thought that he was so ruthless.

Finally, Seonghwa and San moved again. Seonghwa walked to Hongjoong and took the gun from his hand, while San walked to Yunho and Mingi. Yunho looked at Mingi and noticed his shocked expression. He immediately took Mingi's hand. "Everything's fine," he murmured and Mingi immediately felt a little better.

A loud sigh was heard from Hongjoong. Yunho looked up. "Did you have to..." he was immediately interrupted by Hongjoong. "Get out of my sight and take your little boy with you," he said in a pissed tone. Mingi was confused. Yunho hesitated a little, but finally grabbed Mingi's wrist and walked with him to the stairs. San also disappeared immediately. Seonghwa was the only one who stayed with Hongjoong.


"Can you explain what that was?" Mingi asked as soon as they arrived in Yunho's room. Yunho closed the door and took a deep breath.

"The guy with the skull tattoo is called Masao. He works for the Yakuza. (Japanese Mafia) They're the ones who kidnapped me back then and ever since Hongjoong and the others freed me, we've had problems with them. That's why they've been following us for months and kidnapped me from the beach house the other day."

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