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Hi! It's me, Swirly here hehe

Thanks for taking interest in my au!! It's a concept most thought of by the dog man community somehow, but I wanted to put my own twist to it so here it is :)

If you see another fic on this account that has the same name, IT IS OUTDATED!!! DISREGARD EVERYTHING IN IT or something I dunno you decide. Decided that an ask blog wasn't enough and an actual story is called for.

I'll introduce characters in the next chapter, but the gist of it is this: it's an AU where, instead of Petey being evil and alive, it's his mother!!! Other people are swapped too, like Sarah and Zuzu with Officer Knight and Greg and stuff.

Like mentioned earlier, I had an ask blog where you got to ask the characters all kinds of questions and stuff. It was pretty fun, but I've decided to end it (or at least suspend  for now I kinda liked answering stuff after all hehehrd)

I will post probably every...two, three weeks? Ugh I know it's a lot to wait for but yknow I have a life so sucks to suck :P. (It is subject to change so who knows 🤷‍♀️)

It may be slowcoming in the beginning, but I swear I got a lot of cool stuff under my sleeve for this au so stick around to find out!! If you have any questions or comments don't be afraid to ask! I don't mind :)

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