Chapter Two - Memories

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"Ah, you're awake," said an unfamiliar voice coming from the other room.

Suddenly, all of Gojo's memories came flooding back to him.  He remembered being kidnapped by Sonic and tied on his couch... the same brown, leather couch he felt was so familiar. He remembered being dragged down to the basement, being locked up in there. He remembered being tortured by Sonic, but not knowing why. He remembered being changed to look like Gojo by Sonic. He remembered before that, when Sonic, Gojo, and Tim were friends. He remembered being with Tim... oh, Tim...

"Sonic... Tim..." Gojo- or, Moby, mumbled.

"Don't sit up too quickly," said the voice, as the person whom it belonged to entered the room holding to cups of tea. The person set it on the table next to the bed Moby was sitting in. It was Gojo. The real Gojo.

"W-where am I?" asked Moby.

"My house. You passed out," replied Gojo. "Do you remember now?"

"I- I... I..."

Gojo chuckled. "You don't need to say anything. I know you like Geto too, so I won't tell him about your past if you help us, and I'll allow to keep pretending to be me."

 Before Moby could reply, Gojo interrupted him. "But, I want you to at least talk to Tim first... you owe him that much."

Moby's face flushed with red. "It's not like that! You don't know anything about my relationship with Tim or Geto! B-but okay, fine! I will talk to Tim..." 

"And the Freddy mpreg?"

Moby sighed, "... I will get you that too."

"Thanks... Moby. You should probably rest up before you head over to Tim's. Remembering everything Sonic wiped from your memory took a toll on your body."

"Ok..." Moby mumbled before falling asleep once again.

When he woke up, the cup of tea on the nightstand was replaced with a note that read: 

"Tim lives in unit 405 upstairs. I told him you were stopping by. -Gojo :)"

Moby chuckled at the smiley face Gojo left, and got up out of bed. He left the bedroom, and found his shoes sitting by the front door. After putting them on, he opened the door, and left.

Standing in front Tim's door, he was hesitant to knock. He couldn't help but feel a knot in his stomach. It had been years since he had last seen Tim, but he managed to muster courage, and knocked softly on his door. 

Almost as soon as he knocked, Tim answered the door.

Tim was shocked to see Moby. "M-Moby... is that you? You look..."

"Like Gojo? I know..." Seeing Tim made his heartache, as he recalled all of their memories together. He paused for a moment before speaking again. "You must have so many questions, huh?..."

"Yeah... where have you been? You just disappeared... I had no way of knowing what happened to you... I thought you hated me..."

"I- I-" Moby looked down, unable to meet Tim's eyes. He felt guilty, even though he knew it wasn't his fault.

"Gojo talked to me about it... he said you were kidnapped by Sonic... are you ok now?"

Moby nodded, still looking at the ground. "Yes... I- I'm fine..." He looked up at Tim, hoping to see some sort of affection in his eyes.

Tim smiled at him, and Moby smiled back. The knot in his stomach began to loosen, and a wave of relief washed over him.

"I'm glad to hear... come in," Tim said, motioning for Moby to come inside his apartment.

As Moby stepped inside, he felt a sense of nostalgia. This apartment where he spent a significant amount of time with Tim, after all.

As Tim went tosit on the couch, he said, "So, I can ask you any questions I want, right?"

Moby nodded, looking down slightly. "Of course... go ahead. I promise to answer all of them sincerely."

"What is Geto to you?"

Moby hesitated before answering. he sighed, "He... was my best friend after I was kidnapped. We've known each other for a while now, and we've been very close..."

Tim smiled, a hint of pain apparent in his brown orbs. "It's ok if you want to be with him instead of me... I understand."

"Hey, listen to me," Moby sat beside Tim, putting a hand on his shoulder. "Geto and I... we aren't like that... He's my best friend, but, Tim... you are important to me. We were dating for a reason, right?"

"But that was before... it's been years since we last saw each other... feelings change, I understand."

"I- ... that's true," he said. He looked down, a sense of guilt weighing on his heart. "But..."


"But... I still have feelings for you, Tim," he said, raising his head. Moby look at Tim with warm eyes. "It's true that it's been quite a while since we last saw each other in person... but I still love you."

Tears welled up in Tim's eyes. "Really?"

"Yes," Moby nodded, wiping the tears from Tim's eyes. "I missed you a lot, and I'm sorry for not showing you that when I came here... I want us to spend time like we did in the past... if that's ok with you...?"

"Yeah, I would love to," Tim sniffled. "But... there's something I need to tell you..."

"What is is?" Moby said with a gentle smile.

"I'm pregnant."

Moby was shocked to hear the words coming from Tim's mouth. "You- You are?" he looked down. "Who's is it?"

"Young Sheldon's..." Tim said, furrowing his brows. "It was a mistake. I was drunk, I didn't mean it-"

"I- I..." Moby stared at Tim, trying to process what he'd just told him. He slowly leaned back and covered his mouth his hand, visibly shocked.

"Do you want to leave me now...?" the tears in Tim's eyes returning.

"...No." Moby slowly looked at him with genuine love and admiration. "No, I don't plan on leaving you behind. I told you that you're important to me, and that still stands true. I'll be with you no matter what. No matter what happens, I'll stay by your side."

As tears started rolling down Tim's cheeks, Moby's heart ached. He moved closer and wrapped hims arms around Tim in a gentle embrace, wanting nothing more than to comfort him.

"I love you..." Tim whispered into Moby's chest.

Moby gently pecked Tim on his lips. "I love you too," he said, as he held onto Tim even tighter.

To Be Continued...

Gojo's Bizarre Adventure: Moby is UnbreakableWhere stories live. Discover now