Chapter 19

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KHUSHI walked through the familiar Delhi streets, making her way through the throngs of people. She needed to gather her thoughts before she got back to her parents' house.

After she had packed up at Arnav's apartment she had received a call from the mother informing her that they were returning back to India and that she should cancel her trip to the US. They had arrived in the wee hours of the morning. Her grandfather had requested Khushi to take him back to Jalandhar the very next day and after a lot of debate her parents had agreed.

It was three days and she hadn't heard from Arnav since he had left her that morning. But then her mobile phone was switched off as she had forgotten her charger at the apartment and had no inclination to go back there or buy a new one. She had tried calling a few times but his phone was unreachable and after then she hadn't tried again. What was the point? He obviously didn't want to be bothered.

She felt like there was a big hole in the region where her heart was. She hadn't been able to share her sorrow with her parents as they had shared with her the most wonderful news of Payal and Akash's alliance. They had been ecstatic about it and she didn't have the heart to spoil the happy atmosphere with her misery.

Her mother had told her that Payal and Akash had fallen in love during the wedding and when Akash's parents had arrived, he had managed to convince them to accept Payal as their daughter in law. Akash and Payal would return back for the US together for their engagement and subsequent wedding.

Khushi walked into the apartment building complex and instead of going up the house she decided to sit in the park for a little while. She sat on a bench and immediately broke down into tears.

"Khushi beta!" She looked up to see her dad standing over her his face creased with worry. "What happened?" He sat down next to her.

Khushi lay her head on his shoulder and cried her heart out while her father stroked her hair.

"I am sorry my dear." Shashi Gupta said, his voice quivering. "I know you are upset because of me. I didn't speak to properly in the last couple of months —" He paused, "—or is it the last couple of years?"

Khushi looked up at him. "No Babuji — it's not —"

"I know I have been very hard on you Khushi," Shashi interrupted her. "I had forgotten that each child is different and it is the duty of a parent to recognise that instead of comparing one to the other.

"Your mother constantly drilled this into my head while we were in the States and I finally understood.

"I think your grandfather's sudden appearance back into your life made me very insecure as well. Suddenly, he was making major decisions regarding your life and I couldn't take that.

"When I heard that you were ready to get married without waiting for us to get back I just didn't know what to do. I felt so helpless.

"I am sorry Babuji," Khushi sobbed, "Nanaji was so sick and I didn't know what to do either."

Shashi wiped his daughter's tears. "Don't cry Khushi. I know you did what you had to do. It's just that I was so worried about who you were marrying. Even though I had enquired about your husband I wasn't completely sure if that was the right match for you.

"Recently, I got an opportunity to talk to your grandfather and he told me why he chose Arnav for you. I was no longer worried.

"I guess with Payal already working in a foreign country I wasn't ready to let go of my little girl so soon." He smiled at her affectionately. "But here you are — a married woman. I just can't believe you are all so grown up."

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