1:Fished up Wealth

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As the gentle breezes danced upon the calm surface of the crystalline east-blue waters, the melodious whispers of the Going Merry resonated, its majestic sail gracefully embracing the wind's embrace, propelling it forward with unwavering serenity. The vast cobalt expanse expanded endlessly, beckoning with an assurance of a serene voyage intertwined with uncharted exploits and trepidation lingering beyond the horizon.

In the end, it had turned into a continuous series of battles, with each one posing a threat to life, one perilous event happening right after the other. The sole genuine benefit obtained from this venture is the addition of new companions to venture on oceanic adventures.

The average sailor would savor the opportunity to gaze upon the calm seas, taking a moment to bask in the stunning panorama, and gaze upon the boundless ocean with the unspoken wish that its tranquil beauty would endure until their arrival on land.

However, our favorite pirates from the east, lacking any dangerous tasks to occupy them and with a partially empty fridge, made the decision to devote their time to their respective piacular pleasures in order to remain occupied.

"LUFFY, SPIT THE DAMN BAIT OUT." The whole ship rumbled with a tremendous thud as the chaos of scattered supply crates and tumbling wooden planks echoed from the lower deck, with two furious beings hot on the heels of our ecstatic straw-hat wearer, who was grinning widely with a mouth stuffed to the brim with captivating munchies.

"B-rut Sanj-ri, I'm hun-ry!" cried the slender boy, gasping for breath as he dashed around the ship's mast, leaping through an orchard of luscious fruits, with the tenacious chef pursuing him closely. The snipper hesitated, realizing this battle was a complete waste of time, like a bewildered deer caught in headlights. He searched for a fishing rod in a desperate effort to turn his attention secretly, hoping that today would be the one when good fortune promised to give them a big prize.

adopting an intimidating tone, the enraged blond snarled, "And I said we will be having food in an hour, SO GO TRY TO CATCH A FISH OR SOMETHING" His words lashed out like lightning, accompanied by a brutal kick to the back of his captain's head, showcasing his apparent anger. Viciously striking the captain into the once unconscious swordsmen.


"Shut it, Marmiro! and stay the hell out of my way!"

"You're the one who woke me up!"

"How about I put you back to sleep with my fist!" Sanji threatened.

As the pair battled relentlessly throughout the endless expanse of time they had been acquainted, inflicting potential trauma upon any unfortunate marine creatures within their vicinity, there was an appalling realization awaiting those aboard the vessel—something far more horrifying than the mightiest sea deity: NAMI.

Nami emerged from her chamber, longing for a brief break where she could indulge in her cartographic pastime undisturbed, taking advantage of the unwavering weather conditions. She experienced exhaustion as the previous night's challenging journey through the raging weather had significantly depleted her opportunity for rest.

It had been only a short while since she bid farewell to her village and embarked on a journey towards the imperial grand line, an ocean that had shattered the aspirations of countless souls and claimed many lives. Now she desired to take a short break before her fellow crew members could inadvertently veer off course.

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