[chap1:"am I falling for you.?"] 💕

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[💫lunars pov💫]

I was sitting under a tree, Pollux was sitting next to me, she said castor was getting one of the other zodiac signs, I also kinda overworked myself so she made me take a break, but anyways, I fell asleep and woke up with two new people sitting on the bench near the pond, talking to pollux while Castor was trying to wake me up

{🖤Castor🖤}:"finally- good morning sleepy head."


{🖤Castor🖤}:"still sleepy?"


{🌟Pollux🌟}:"is he up yet?"



I stood up and just screamed, which I always did when I first wake up to get myself ready for the day, I think I scared them crap out of pollux- whoops

{🌟Pollux🌟}:"my ears..."


{???}:"I like this dude already!"

I heard a female voice say

{🖤Castor🖤}:"oh! Lunar, this is Libra and Leo!"

Author's note:
Here's my design of Libra and Leo in gacha since I can't draw:

–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––Author's note:Here's my design of Libra and Leo in gacha since I can't draw:

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{🔥Leo🔥}:"nice to meet you kid!"

{⚖️Libra⚖️}:"you're so cute!"

{💫Lunar💫}:"oh...uh..thank you.!"

{⚖️Libra⚖️}:"no problem!"

I didn't realize my little tail started swaying the longer I talked to Libra

[🖤Castors pov🖤]

I noticed lunars little tail started swaying. 'hes so cute when he does that. WAIT WHY AM I THINKING LUNARS CUTE- I mean he is but- No castor snap out of it!' my face turned a bit red, I saw Leo looking at me with her smug look, she had the same look when Pollux got flustered

{🖤Castor🖤}:"shut it."


292 words🥲

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