Mystic mayhem

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A crowded sidewalk with a small, Yokai creature races between pedestrian legs.

Pedestrians: Huh? What the -? Easy there! Come on!

Chasing the creature are two big, hulking men who shove pedestrians out of the way. The creature knocks a bunch of flags to the sidewalk, and men slow down to tiptoe between them, avoiding stepping on the flags. The creature runs between a delivery guy and a street vendor.

Delivery Guy: Not cool, dude!

He was knocked down.

Delivery Guy: You gotta watch where you're going, man!"

One of the joggers ran. The creature runs down an alley and encounters a wall.

The first man: This way.

The creature turns to see two men approaching, hands out menacingly. They leap, but the creature glows and suddenly vanishes. The men hit the ground, and the creature reappears far behind them. It runs off, and the men stand, growling. Cut scene to rooftop, where a party is taking place. The man tosses a briefcase full of money onto the table in front of rich man, who laughs. Above and behind them, atop of roof spire, are four figures They leap All landing on building ledge. One shoots cable across to metal beam on building on the other side of the rich man's party. Attaches other end of cable to the wall next to him.

???: Just great, this is just great,

The outline of A teen Chinese golden thread turtle Mutant Paste back and forth. Then, he took a deep breath and changed her Mystic energy.

Raph said in a communicator device: Yellow submarine, are we clear?

April said on the other side of the communicator device: Affirmative, Red Rover.

Raph: Copy. Right, boys, it's go time.

All attach clamps to cable and begin sliding across. Below them, rich man is still laughing. Raph holds up his hand as a signal. There is screeching sound, but all four glide right over the party. Approach a building next to it, and the leader points down. All jump from the cable. Then from the shadows reveal four mutant turtles.

Leo: Cow -

Mikey: A -

Donnie: Bun -

Raph: Ga!

All of the bothers: Cannonball!"

They land in the pool. Water flies up in a huge jet. April yells triumphantly and holds out the phone only to be drenched in water.

April: Woohoo!

The boys dance and whooping in the now empty pool.

Mikey: Ha! You must be this rad to ride that ride.

Donnie: Well, based on our velocity and entry angle . . . I concur. We rad.

April: You guys crushed it. Gimmee five! Or three."

As the brothers leaped to join her and gave her high five.

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