Chapter 2

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Ryder Pov

The car ride after my mother's cold attitude towards Sarah was extremely awkward and quiet , no one spoke another word and we all just sat in silence.

We finally arrived at the Agreste residence , the car stopped infront of two large gates . My mother took out her phone and dialed Gabriel's number , the other side answered with a man's voice " yes ? What is it?"

"Gabriel , we have arrived " my mother answred .

Gabriel ended the call as the two large gates began to open , honestly it felt rude to just hang up on someone like that and I would have felt frustrated or annoyed but my mom didntbseem phased as she just put her phone down casually. 

Sarah drove the car passed the two large gates,  I couldn't help but make a joke " what do they have in there , king kong ?"

Sarqh smiled slightly but as always , my mom didnt make any expression as she just stared out the window . I had hoped to get at least an eye roll or something , but she showed nothing .

The car pulled up at the front of the home , infront of the doors stood three people . One was a tall man in a white suit , with white hair and black glasses , his face told me that he never smiles .

Next to the tall man who I assumed to be Gabriel , was a women dressed in a black suit with her hair up in a tight bun and a pair of glasses , similar to what Sarah wore . On the other side of Gabriel stood a boy around my age , he had blonde messy hair , green eyes and wore a black shirt with a white dress shirt ontop and a pair of jeans . He offered a friendly smile when he saw our car pull up , in a odd way he reminded me of myself .

A parent who is serious and doesnt seem to want to smile , a professional secretary/driver who probably tries to help any awkward situation and a friendly attitude .

We climbed out the vehicle,  by 'we' I meant Sarah climbed out first then opened the door for my mom , I knew she was supposed to open my door too but it felt weird when she did it , so I opened my own door and stepped out . My mom walked around the back of the car to my side with a disapproval look on her face , Sarah walked behind her looking down .

I guess my mom decided to wait until we got home to address the probelms I've made , she ignored me and walked right up to Gabriel , I quickly caught up so it wouldnt seem obvious to the three people watching us .

The women beside Gabriel spoke first " Welcome to Paris , Ms Meyer . I am Nathalie , Mr Agreste assistant. "

She then motioned to the man beside her " My I introduce Gabriel Agreste and his son Adrien "

Gabriel looked at  my mom " welcome to my home "

"Thankyou for inviting us " my mom politely answered , she then gently placed her hand on my shoulder " This is my son Ryder , he will be your client today "

It was a good thing that I've been acting since I was younger because I had to hide my surprise and shock of the situation.  First thing was my mothers name , did she register her marriage status after my dad died as single  or has she never registered her marriage at all ?!

My mom also never shows any physical touch or appreciation but here she is , holding my shoulder while talking sweetly to this man infront of us .

Sarah bowed slightly " good day , I am Sarah , Ms Meyer's personal assistant . If you have any queries in the future , please contact me "

"Yes well , come inside . I will measure Ryder inside my office "

"Oh theres no need , I've taken the measurements for you " my mother answered.

Gabriel didn't seem phased and just nodded " very well . Then we will discuss the desired material and such inside "

I glanced at Adrien who just offered a smile , I noticed he didnt speak at all yet and it made me wonder if my assumptions of us being similar were true .

We followed Gabriel inside his home , it was a large open area with checkered flooring , a few well placed comfortable looking chairs and a large stair case .  Gabriel turned to his son " Adrien,  entertain our guest in your room while I speak with Ms Meyer "

Adrien nodded " yes father "

Gabriel turned on his heel and walked into the room of the left side , followed by my mom and both assistants . Adrien offered me another smile " come with me "

I followed him up the stairs into his bedroom , as soon as the door closed , I breathed a sigh of relief and my whole body nearly relaxed . " wow that was way to stressful " I added

Adrien smiled a real genuine smile " I agree , that wasnt how I thought a meeting would be like "

" I know we were already introduced by the stone and cold  so Ill just say it again . Im Ryder , its nice to meet you "

" nice to meet you too Ryder . Im Adrien "

We shook hands and had a small laugh , I knew from this meeting that Adrien and I will become great friends who would understand any of these situations and probably laugh at its ridiculousness too .

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