I glanced down at the little white envelope and read the address to myself. Then, looking up, I analyzed the text once more to make sure that I was at the right location, to which I had concluded that I was. I approached the door a little bit hesitantly but also somewhat excited because I would get to do some stuff that I couldn't do before.
I knocked on the door a couple of times, waiting for a reply. I adjusted my grip on my suitcase a little bit, altering how hard I was holding it. Eventually, a man with white hair, a white mustache, and was dressed in a proper suit had opened the door and greeted me formally and politely.
"Good afternoon Miss," he welcomed me, escorting me inside of the building.
I waved to him as properly as I could, and followed him inside. Once I was in all the way, I observed the room and noticed some details; there was a grand staircase in the lobby, and to each side of me, there were doors leading to different rooms. The places furniture was somewhat outdated, which was perfect considering what I was looking for.
The man had explained to me that he was the butler of this place, and that I would be staying at The Oletus Manor for quite some time until the rest of the residents had arrived, and eventually we would all participate in this game in order to achieve the prize.
He showed me to my room, which was the first room upstairs, and left me alone in order to make myself comfortable, as I could be staying here for up to a month. I looked around and noticed quite a few brown splotches on the ground, resembling what seemed to be dried blood. I kneeled down to the floor and analyzed the mysterious stain on the floor, and I could only assume it was truly blood. I ascended back into a neutral standing position and looked towards my desk, which had a vintage metronome on it. I picked up the small instrument and glanced thoroughly at it, observing all of the dust and signs of aging on it. Perfect. Just what I was looking for.
I placed the metronome back onto the desk. From the looks of it, it had to have been here untouched for around a decade, maybe a little less..
I had noticed some tiny drawers that were attached to the desk, and out of curiosity, I opened one. Inside of the desk laid a small little photograph of a young man and a young woman together. I observed the photo more closely; the man seemed to have had grayish-brown hair, most likely just plain brown, because perhaps the photo quality was messing with the colors. The woman had strawberry brunette hair, and she was absolutely gorgeous. The two looked at each other when this photo was taken, I wonder who these people are, and why their photo had been left here?
I sighed and placed the photo back into the drawer carefully, shutting it slowly. I approached the closet of the room and slid the door open just to see what was behind the door. There was a beautiful maidens outfit behind the doors of the closet, noticeably outdated and old. Just from appearances, I could tell that the grayish vest, green skirt, and white blouse were all at least a decade old and have just been sitting in that closet collecting dust ever since. I noticed that there had been a tag attached to the outfit, and it had a name scribbled on it; "Rosalie Roche" it read.
Shutting the closet door after a close inspection of the outfit, I took a mental note of all of these historical findings and headed back downstairs in order to eat breakfast since I had arrived at this manor quite early. I left my room, shut the door behind me, and stepped downstairs and walked into what I assumed was the dining room, and luckily it was.
I closed the dining hall door behind me and took a seat in the chair nearest to the door. After a couple of seconds of sitting down in the seat, I shifted around awkwardly waiting for the butler to come back in. Suddenly, seemingly out of nowhere and unexpectedly, somebody had rapidly placed their hands on my shoulders from behind. I jumped and screamed a bit due to the fact that this had startled me quite badly. I swung my head around and noticed a man staring at me from above, grinning a bit.
"Finally another resident," he smiled at me, "guess I should sit down."
Hearing the tapping of his shoes, he walked to the other side of the table and had sat down in the seat across from me, hoping to strike up a conversation with me. Instead of talking to him right away, I had inspected his appearance closely; he was dressed in almost all black and red, mostly black. He wore a black trench coat and his hair seemed that half of it was shaved off due to one side being short and the other side being long. His face was noticeably burned all throughout one side of his face and also following a few scars, which was the side that his hair had been cut short. His pants were basic dress pants and his shoes were formally chosen.
He held his hand out for me to shake, and so I had shaken his hand.
"Good evening Mister," I greeted him politely, "my name is Odette White, I'm a historian from England."
He continued to shake my hand. "Hello Miss White, my name is Vesper Parish, pleasure meeting you," he grinned at me once more, but instead of it feeling welcoming I felt a bit intimidated, "I'm a radio host."
He dusted off his shirt as he had said the last sentence, seemingly trying to make himself a bit more presentable. I smiled awkwardly and he sat back down in his chair, staring at me in silence while we both waited for breakfast as patiently as possible.
idv oc shit (oc story TREQUEL)
FanfictionWhen a historian, Odette White, arrives at The Oletus Manor to observe and inspect the ancient artifacts that laid from almost a decade ago, she had noticed some.. suspicious things such as splatters of what seems to have been dried blood on the flo...